Chapter 29 -S.

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      Zoe was standing next to a pickup near the beach on the eastern end of Isla Helvecia. Gokan was seated in the back of the pickup. Tia Martina was by the driver's door. Abuela Sara, Abuelo Gabriel and Uncle Pedro stood behind the car. They all held guns.

The day was still dark, but the sun would come up soon. It was cold outside so all wore insulating clothes.

"Martina, take de kids to da fores and use dat cloaking spell I show you," Abuela spoke.

"I am staying here to fight," Zoe spoke. "I refuse to run. Mayu would do the same for my family."

"And your family would tell Mayu to stay out of this," Gabriel stated.

"But I am a shaman!" Zoe argued.

"A shaman who blew out the power in Santiago and almost killed herself in the process," Sara pointed out.

She was pretty good at English, but there was a noticeable accent.

"I can do better!" Zoe argued.

"Okay. Make dat rock fly and you stay." Sara told the girl, pointing at a large rock near the tree line.

Zoe looked at the rock. It was quite large; though a real shaman would see no contest in lifting it. She wasn't a real shaman; she didn't believe she was. She was useless.

With her head bowed in shame, the girl turned around and climbed into the back of the truck. Abuela Sara came close to Zoe's side of the truck.

"Don't lose faith, you are your boss. You decide what you do."

The woman's words were comforting, but they had little effect on Zoe.

"But I can fight..." Zoe murmured, her eyes still down. "I can't use magic, but I can fight with my fists and weapons."

"Zoe. Be safe. That is I want."

Tia Martina got into the car, and as she started the engine, Zoe looked up. She saw the rest of the Müllers standing there, waiting to fight whatever was coming for their home. There were just three of them. How would they fare? Abuela smiled at her, but Zoe could not smile back. She wasn't happy in the slightest.
The car drove off and The Müllers watched it until it vanished into the tree line. The family turned to face the water now. There were three motor boats approaching fast.

"This could be the end, Sara," Gabriel spoke in Spanish.

"We have lived our lives, amor." She replied. "We will be luckier than many to die together."

The couple looked at each other. They smiled. The love had lasted so many years and it was still there even now in the face of almost certain death.
The first boat got to the sand and armed men jumped off the vessel. The Müllers did not shoot, just stood there. The invaders spread out and approached, but someone stepped on a mine and the fireworks began.
The first explosion triggered a chain of explosions which lined the water's edge and more explosions went off in the shallows of the water. Water, sand, debris and body parts were tossed high into the air. All three motor boats were destroyed in the chain explosion. Not a single survivor could be seen.

"That actually worked," said Pedro, surprised.

"It is never that easy," Abuela stated, pointing up in the sky.

"Shaman hunters," Pedro murmured.

There were people floating through the air. They were dressed in all black and were only visible as a result of the sky brightening as the sun rose on the horizon. There were at least ten of them and just the three Müllers.
Gabriel took aim and the gunfight began.

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