Chapter 13 -S. & W.

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The battle was over. Chidum and Captain Vector had defeated the slavers and taken their vessel. The cage stood on the deck. The door was wide open and the prisoners were being attended to out here on the deck.

Captain Vector Reno approached Chidum on the poop deck. Mayu stuck close to Klex who was also on the poop deck. Selo was trying out spells on Mayu that might get rid of the gills.

"Thank you for helping me and these people, captain," Chidum told the dwarf. "Truly you are a hero."

Mayu was paying attention to what the guy and the dwarf spoke.

"You are the hero, helf elf," said the dwarf. "You were willing to do this without my crew to aid you. Where did you learn to fight and cast spells like that?"

"I am honored to recieve praises from a veteran like you," Chidum told the dwarf. "My skills and abilities run in my blood. I have honed my skills for years on Earth."

"You're from Earth then?" asked the dwarf.

"I am," Chidum replied. "My mother is of Earth, but father is from here."

"Well your father will be proud when he hears you just won yourself a ship, young elf." Said the dwarf.

"You will let me keep the ship?" Chidum asked, surprised.

"You led the attack, thus you have earned the greatest of the spoils. Plus, I need only one vessel and the "Red Dwarf" is more than enough for me. She was a warship during my fighting days, then I retired and had her enlarged to bear passenger and cargo instead. That old boat and I have a history and I will not betray that," explained the dwarf. "Besides," he went on. "If I took this ship, I would just sell it, or gift to someone elese. I see no better person deserving of it in this case than you. Some of these prisoners we saved are seamen. If they will agree, then you already have a crew to begin with."

"I am honored, captain." Chidum told him.

"And so am I, Captain," the dwarf said with a wink. "We shall help you clean up here, then we must leave."

"May we travel with you until we come to Shoden at least?" Chidum asked.

"You are captain of this ship, boy. You decide where you go and who you follow. I suggest you rename the vessel first though."

"I shall come to that soon enough," replied Chidum.

"Finally!" Cried Selo.

Chidum looked at Mayu and saw the girl feeling her now smooth and gill-less neck.

"I have undone the spell, she is human once more!" Announced the fairy.

Mayu looked squarely at Chidum as she stroked her smooth neck, and the half-elf smiled at her.

* * *

Chidum's new ship was trailing behind the red dwarf. The sun was coming up now. The prisoners they had rescued had accepted the offer to serve as the young man's crew. Most would only serve until they came to friendly lands where they would then drop off to be replaced by new people. There were just working as payment for their boarding and transportation.

Chidum emerged from below deck, only to find Mayu standing by the railings, Klex with her. The girl had a cloak around her; one which Chidum had given her himself. He walked towards her.

"I see Klex has taken quite the fancy to you," he spoke as he neared the girl.

She was shocked by his voice and her body vibrated at the sound of it.

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