Chapter 35, -S.

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The city of Aquira was alive with festivity. The people were happy the tyrant Egohon had fallen and they found even greater joy in the fact that his son, Undelfo was being crowned a Lord Prince under King Speriol. Aquira was once again a part of the greater water kingdom and no longer a rebel sect.

The throne room was full and beautiful. All preparations had been made for this coronation. There were tapestries, soldiers in regal armor, mighty nobles of the waters, the greatest generals of the water armies and every single dignitary under the waters.

Mayu, Zoe, Gokan and Greyan all stood together in the throne room. They were on in the front line of the event, having a clear view of what was taking place. The humans had been given gills and fishtails which seemed normal to Mayu and Zoe, but Gokan kept touching his own. It was his first time, he had seen freaky, but nothing like this.

Undelfo was knelt at the base of the dais that led to the throne of his late father. His fishtail was bent back in a kneeling position. (Merfolk had knees, who knew?) At his left floated his mother, Princess Alora, on his right was Crown Prince Ziyon and before the kneeling merman floated the king of all the waters, master of the waves and pisces, ruler of the wet element and the greatest being under the seas; King Speriol Din Koralis.

The King was quite the figure. Not only was he terribly handsome, but he was almost as wide as two mermen with a build that even his royal garb did not hide. His crown was carved from a single golden coral into a circlet with but one point in front which stretched nearly thirty centimeters from the base to the tip. At his side was his heir, Crown Prince Ziyon. The King held the silver crown which Mayu had seen on Lord Prince Egohon's head the last time she saw the scary merman.

"I Speriol Din Koralis, king of all the waters, master of the waves and pisces and ruler of the wet element, crown you this day, Undelfo Din Koralis, Lord Prince of Aquira!" The king's voice bellowed so all in the hall heard him more than clearly and as he spoke the words, he placed the silver crown down on Undelfo's head, forever changing his title from Prince to Lord Prince.

The room was filled with roars and cheers and applause and chants and whoops and screams and joy. It was happy day for the merfolk. A long war had come to an end and a tyrant was replaced.

Undelfo rose from kneeling and turned to face the people of Aquira and all the water kingdom. He raised his hands and they all cheered him.

The celebration was going to last at least three days, but before it could begin, a bright light filled the room and all had to shield their eyes. The bright light lasted a few seconds, but when it was gone, two characters familiar to all but Gokan stood before the merfolk. One was a lady. She was very tall and her beauty was more than words could explain. Her dress shone blue and her skin where it was exposed, glowed white. Her eyes were completely white and her hair which fell down to the back of her knees were of a deep red color. The other was a man in a bright blue suit of armor. At his back was strapped a very large sword. It was at least two times his height and he was at least 7ft tall. He had a full beard and his his wild hair was tied into a ponytail. Both hair and beard were of a deep red hue. Like the woman, his eyes shone bright white. They could have been siblings.

These newcomers did not have fishtails, or gills, but they did not seem to need any. They seemed to breath just fine underwater and not even a single bubble showed their breathing. It was as though they did not breath at all.

"Salarin and Bailos," Mayu slipped the names of these stangers.

"Erjens," Zoe murmured.

"The goddess Asmorah has passed away from amongst us," the redhead woman said, "and the time has come for the Erjen Kahl to take her place."

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