Chapter 24 -S.

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    Mayu walked out of the sea and onto dry land. The sun was just coming up. She turned to face the merfolks she had come with. They were in the shallow part of the water.

"What now?" Mayu asked.

"Witness the power, Mayu." Said the prince, holding out his right hand.

The others stretched out their hands and placed them on the prince's.

"Greyan, the veru." Said Undelfo.

Greyan opened the glass bottle and turned it upside down over their joined hands. The blob moved quickly down the neck of the bottle and dropped onto the joined hands.

Mayu made a face as she saw the thing drop. 'Why would they let that thing touch them?' The blob flattened out and spread down the hands; a thick mass of...whatever the hell it was.

"This is kinda disturbing to watch." Mayu stated.

"Just watch." Undelo said with a smile.

The black blob began drying up, leaving marks on each hand which was joined together under it. As this happened, Mayu saw the fishtails and merfolk go down into the water.

Mayu looked around the surface. She couldn't see anyone.


She looked back. The beach was empty. The tree-line started some meters further inland. There were mountains in the distance. It was a beautiful sight, but she was not in the mood to admire things. She looked at the water again.

"Guys, this is not funny. Please, I just lost some friends. Don't tell me it's happened again." She walked back into the water. "Guys? Salarin? It happened again?!"

Someone suddenly rose out of the water right before the girl. She was shocked at first, but that turned into amazement when she realized who was standing before her.

"Undelfo?" She asked.

"We went down to dress up." Said the prince, smiling sweetly.

Mayu looked down at his LEGS. Yes, he had those now, two of them. His black leggings looked very good on him.

"The veru grants us legs as long as we do not part from it," the prince explained, holding up his right hand. On the back of that hand was a shapeless black tattoo.

"That thing gave you legs?" Mayu could not believe it even though she was seeing it.

Greyan rose out of the water next. She had on the same color of leggings. Mayu looked at her and smiled.

"You look good with legs, Greyan."

"Thank you." Replied the mermaid, admiring her new legs herself.

More merfolks rose out of the water with their new legs. Mayu was amazed at how things worked here. There wasn't much technology, but magic always outdid technology in terms of making an impression.

"We need to find a city, buy horses, clothes, camping materials and a map," Undelfo spoke, coming to Mayu's side. "This is Uvwii, Dwarf territory. We are safe as long as we keep our wits about us."

"Dwarves?" Mayu asked, turning to him.

"Short, strong, loud folks who can be the best people you ever meet, or the worst. It is all about how you treat them."

"But my friends?" Asked the girl. "I was in Shoden with them. Salarin said she would put me with new friends, but I need to know where the others are."

"Did you say Salarin?" Greyan asked, coming close to her.


"Mayu, Salarin is an Erjen." The prince stated, giving her a strange look.

"Erjen, what does that even mean?" She asked.

"They are the utmost beings in Cyron," Greyan replied. "They constitute gods in this world."

"So Erjens are your gods?"

"No, but only an Erjen can become a god." Undelfo replied.

Mayu shook her head. "This is confusing. I want to see my other friends and we can all travel together to somewhere safe. I need to see Chidum."

"Chidum?" Asked the prince. "That is a man?"

"He is a friend." She replied, then turned and walked back to the beach.

Undelfo stood back and watched her.

"Chidum," Greyan said. "She sounds like she cares for that one."

"You are my second from now, Greyan," said the prince. "Round the others up and prepare to travel. We make for Goro City. I have a friend there who will help."

"Sir, you have soldiers. I am not worthy to command them." The mermaid was humble.

"I just made you worthy." Undelfo replied and walked towards Mayu, while Greyan was left to set the others up.

The mermaid turned to the others. There were at least sixty of them and all were soldiers; mermaids and mermen of strength and capability. She swallowed at the way they just stared at her.

"Just say it and we will obey." One of the mermen said. He was a tall fellow with green hair and big muscles.

"The prince said to tell you all that we are going to Goro City. I would much appreciate it if you would just do as he said to tell you to." Her voice was low and very tame.

"You hear that, soldiers, we make for Goro City! Let us utilize these new legs and make the best of our escape!!" This was screamed by the same merman who had told Greyan to just speak and they would obey.

The other soldiers walked past Greyan, some patting her on the shoulder, others teasing, but the green haired male stopped before her.

"Thank you for the help, Commander Reno," she said, looking up at his beautiful face. "I told his highness I could not do this, but he insisted. I do not feel I wish to surpass you. If I could back out, I would."

"The prince wants you in charge, then you will be in charge, Greyan," the man said with a smile. "If anyone gives you any trouble, just tell me."

"Thank you, Commander."

"Call me Reno." He replied, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She just stared up at him, not saying a word. He smiled and walked past her.

Greyan swallowed hard.

Mayu was sad and lost, but Undelfo came to her side and with an arm across her shoulder, consoled as best he could.

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