Chapter 27 -S.

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Kane Burton had his manor at Kosrovin, Iceland. The building was modern and sat on a large fenced compound. There were twenty-six bedrooms in the house and ten staff on grounds. Kane Burton didn't need that many staff after all. He was an incredibly powerful shaman, a leader in the great movement which was to come. He and his daughter would sit as rulers of Cyron when everything was done. He was certain of this much. Years of work and preparation would not be in vain. Nothing would ruin it.

The rooftop was Kane Burton's favorite spot. There was a chair, an ornate piece carved from a single Redwood stem. Besides this wooden throne, there was not another single piece of furniture on the roof. The floor was covered with coarse tiles to avoid people slipping.

Iceland was a cold country, but Kane Burton didn't wear any insulating clothes. He was simply dressed in a flannel shirt with suit pants and designer shoes. The cold was not a problem for him. He was a powerful shaman. He could change the climate in Iceland if he put his mind to it.
The door onto the rooftop opened and two men came up. One was a light-skinned Negroid with brown hair and eyes. The other was a Caucasoid female with sharp features and a cold countenance.

"Lady Eva is here to see you, sir," the light skinned fellow announced.

Kane didn't move and inch. The light skinned fellow stopped few feet to Kane, but the lady went on, coming to a halt at Kane's side.

"Lady Eva," said Kane coldly.

"Your child has deviated, Kane," the lady stated. "That girl has always been a disappointment to the Vargon name. I find it hard to believe she is your child. Are you certain of her?"

"Her paternity is not in question, Eva," said Kane. "What I do question is her ambition. She lacks it. She cannot lead as is expected of her."

"But the mantle rests on her and we cannot move unless—"

Kane gave Eva a death stare. The woman grinned.

"I am yet to say something wrong, Kane. Do relax."

"I will not kill my daughter to please the family, Eva," the man stated, looking forward once again.
"The family should be top priority, Kane."

"And it is."

"Not for Zoe it is not," she stated.

"Another can lead," said Kane. "I can lead. We will hold the power until she is ready. She will come to her senses when she sees what we achieve."

"And the half elf who went through the portal?"  asked the woman.

"What half-elf and what portal?"

"Oh she did not tell you?" The woman wore a grin as she asked the question.

"The one who went through the Egyptian Slek Verum was a half-elf?"

The man was shocked by the news.

"Oh did you not know?" Eva's tone was mocking.

"I was told it was a dark-skinned who said he was going to right the problems in Cyron."

"That was all your daughter told you?"

"That was probably all she knew of it," he stated.

"Oh she knew he was a half-elf, Kane. I know she knew that much. I read her mind. I saw her betrayal before she put it into action."

"And you did not warn me?"

"Why would I warn you?" Eva mocked. "The great Kane Burton, first blood descendant of Vargon. The one who believes himself above the rest of the family. The ancient shaman and his child makes him look a fool."

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