Chapter 7 -S.

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The Bianca memorial museum was filling up with reporters. Chidum and Gokan were among those walking into the massive building. Gokan carried his tripod and camera bags, while Chidum carried his backpack and the long, slim, black bag.

Their cards were checked, but when the time came for bags to be ran through a scanner, the duo slacked behind others.

"Those bags of yours get scanned and they find your weird cloths, swords, and weapons," Gokan whispered. "What do we do?" He asked.

"I shall handle it," Chidum spoke, walking toward the front of the line.

He murmured a spell as he walked, and by the time he got to the front, the lights went out for about six seconds. The lights came back on and Gokan found that Chidum's bags were missing.

"What the?" He murmured.

"Place your bags on the belt," Chidum said aloud so the security agents heard.

Gokan did as told, placing his tripod and camera bags on the belt. The belt pulled the bags through the scanner, while both men walked past the metal scanners.

They came out the other side and Gokan picked up his bags. Chidum picked up his backpack and slim bag which were also on the other side of the scanning machine. Gokan controlled himself until they were well away from the entrance checkpoint.

"You made your bags appear on the other side?" he asked Chidum, excited.

"I wish I could do something like that," Chidum replied with a smile. "Sadly, I only simply put out the light, threw my bag to the other side and let the light return."

"Well it's still impressive that you could put out the lights in a place as massive and secure as this," Gokan stated.

"The portal is to remain locked off for at least thrity minutes more," Chidum stated. "We shall go to it and I shall get through while you stand watch."

"How do we get in and what about the surveillance cameras that must be there?" Gokan asked.

"Leave all that to me, my friend," the Biafran replied, walking with purpose.

* * *

Chidum and Gokan walked into the hall with the new artifact inside it. It sat on a round dias. A 10ft high statue of a big panther wrestling with a cobra. A perfect art work of stone. It was smooth, black stone, almost ceramic in appearance.

Chidum looked at it in awe. He walked towards it like he was in a trance. Gokan looked around. The hall was huge. The artifact was the only thing displayed within. His eyes struck surveillance cameras.

"You sure these cameras can't see us?" He asked Chidum.

"As long as I am present in this room, the cameras see what I will them to," Chidum replied, still walking towards the statue.

Gokan set down his bags, took out his camera and began taking photographs. Chidum walked up to the statue and looked at what was written on the plaque fixed to the dias.

"The cat and serpent," he read aloud. "This is what they call it?"

"And what's the real name again?" Gokan asked.

"This is a Slek Verum," Chidum replied. "A portal that leads to and away from the world of Cyron. I feel an energy about it. Someone used another Slek Verum recently."

"Well, get your portal stuff working and beat it before they find us in here," Gokan told his friend.

Chidum placed a hand on the statue and began chanting. He shut his eyes as he did so. Gokan took photos of him as he made his chants.

Chidum opened his eyes and backed away from the statue now, chanting aloud in a strange tongue. His eyes were glowing white. He spread his arms and a blue ball of energy formed in the mouths of the panther and the cobra.

"Wow," Gokan spoke, taking more pictures.

The blue balls of energy grew until they became one large, blue, glowing circle in front of the statue. Chidum lowered his hands now and walked towards the portal.

"Wait!" Gokan called out.

Chidum paused and turned to the Turk.

"Thank you, Gokan," he said.

"I don't usually stay at one place long enough to make friends. But you are an enigma, Chidum," Gokan spoke. "I'll admit I wanna cry right now and I've barely known you three days."

"You may call me by my elven name, Elieh," Chidum told him with a smile. "You have earned this right."

"Elieh," Gokan tested the name. "It's nice and all, but will I ever see you again?"

"Perhaps," Chidum replied. "You have helped me more than you know, Gokan. And for this you are my greatest friend here on Earth."

"That's not a yes," Gokan pointed out.

"Nor is it a no," Chidum stated.

Gokan smiled. He took one last photograph of the guy.

"I will not say goodbye, my friend," Chidum spoke. "Rather I say... Until our paths cross again."

He walked through the portal. Gokan nodded his head in reply to the Biafran's last words. The blue light faded away until it vanished.

"Half elf," Gokan murmured. "That actually just happened for real."

#We have someone in the new exhibit hall,# said a voice over a hidden speaker in the hall. #I repeat, someone in the new exhibit hall.#

"Uh oh," said Gokan, looking at one of the cameras.

He opened the back of his camera.

"I gotta hide the memory card."

CYRON (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora