SCENE 13: Lunar Phase Part 4

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The scene opens as if the viewer is seeing the scene through Layla's eyes. The room is covered in ash and debris. The scene cuts to a long shot. Layla is laying on the floor with ash and dust from the explosion on her and around her. The book that she was reading was knocked from her hands and is across the room. She crawls until she can regain her senses. She gets up and runs to the front to check on Elliot. She scans the room notices Elliot lying unconscious on the floor near the cash register.

Layla - Hey. Hey. Wake up.

She notices he has blood on the back of his head and his leg. She goes into medic mode and mends his wounds. While she is mending his wounds, Jacob, Jerico, and Louis find her and Elliot.

Jacob - Are you okay? What happened?

Layla - I am fine. I have no idea. I was reading a book and then there was an explosion.

Jacob - I am going to secure the area.

Jerico - I'll go get the first aid kid.

Layla - Can you go get some warm water.

Louis - Gotcha.

They all split ways to get supplies.

Jacob searches the store. He finds the remains of the bomb near the main door of the store.

Jacob - Found you.

He pulls his phone from his pocket and takes a picture of the bomb's remains. He continues to clear the building. While he is doing that, Layla continues to give aid to Elliot.

Louis runs in with a small bucket of water.

Louis - Here is the water.

Layla - Thank you.

Layla begins to clean his wounds and wipe the blood away.

Jerico runs in with the first aid kit.

Jerico - Finally found the kit.

Layla - Thank you.

Layla begins to bandage his wounds.

Jacob finishes his task and goes back upstairs to Layla.

Jerico's phone rings. She steps away to answer.

Jacob - What injuries did he sustain.

Layla - He has a concussion, multiple abrasions, and a cut on his upper thigh.

Jacob - He'll survive.

Layla - Definitely.

Jerico comes rushing in.

Jerico - Jacob, Layla you need to go. Police are on their way here.

Layla and Jacob grab their stuff and sirens are heard in the background.

Jerico - Go out the back.

Louis - Follow me.

Jacob and Layla follow Louis out the back. Jerico waits at the front door for the police.


Louis - Keep running down this alley and you'll end up near main street. There are taxis and a bus stop nearby.

Jacob - Thanks, man.

Louis - No Prob.

Jacob and Layla run down the alley.


Inside the Store. Jerico is waiting by the door for the police. The police pull up and enter the store.

Police - We got a call about an explosion. Is anyone injured?

Jerico - There was. The explosion happened around 10-15 minutes ago. One of my store clerks is injured.

Police - Where is the clerk?

Jerico - He is over there.

Some of the officers rush over to him, others clear the building, and one continues to speak with Jerico.   

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