SCENE 10: Lunar Phase Pt.1

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The scene opens with Jacob opening the door to Lunar Phase.

Louis – Hello, Welcome to Lunar Phase! How may I help you?

Jacob – I would like to see this season's rare items.

Louis – Is there a specific color you are looking for?

Jacob – Blue.

Louis – Please follow me.

Jacob – Layla, I'll be right back.

Jacob follows Louis to the back of the store.

Elliot – (speaking to Layla) Would you like to sit, while you wait.

Layla – If it wouldn't be an inconvenience...

Elliot – We have a small lounge in the back, you may sit there while you wait. Please, follow me.

Layla follows Elliot to the lounge. As they walk to the back a man in a blue suit walks past the storefront.

Elliot – (opens a door) This is the lounge. Please feel free to sit anywhere and there are refreshments in the counter to your left.

Layla – Thank you!

The bell, on the door, rings.

Elliot – If you need anything, I'll be up front.

Layla – Thank you!

Elliot walks back to the cash register and Layla walks to get something to drink.

Elliot – Hello! Sir, is there anything specific you are looking for?

Harrison (man in the blue suit) – I saw a very nice tie in the window and I would like to see it up close.

Elliot and Harrison walk to the window to look at the tie.

Elliot – (picks up a tie) Is this the one you were looking at sir?

Harrison – Yes, I like it even more up close! I would like to purchase this tie.

Elliot – Yes, sir.

Harrison and Elliot walk back to the cash register.

Elliot – (rings up the tie) Your total comes to £59.41.

Harrison hands his credit card to Elliot. Elliot swipes the card and hands it back to Harrison.

Elliot – If you would please, sign here. (pointing to the card reader touchpad.)

Harrison signs his name.

Elliot – Thank you, sir. Please come again. (puts the tie in a bag and hands it to Harrison)

Harrison – (He takes the bag) Thank you. I will come again.

Harrison turns to leave, and Elliot turns to organize stock behind the counter. Harrison sticks something to one of the racks near the door and leaves.

While this is going on upstairs, Jacob and Louis are meeting with someone in the basement.

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