SCENE 14: The streets of London

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Jacob and Layla are almost at the bus stop and they are stopped by Harrison and his gang.

Harrison - Nice to finally meet you in person Shadow. I've heard a lot about you. By the way did you like my little gift.

Jacob looks from Harrison to Layla. He is surprised that this stranger knows Layla's code name and looks to see what her response will be.

Layla – (Sarcastically) I loved it so much, I could just explode.

Harrison – You have a funny sense of humor. I like you.

Layla – What do you want with us?

Harrison – I just wanted to talk to you.

Layla – That's all...?

Harrison – Well not completely. I need you to come with us to meet our leader.

Jacob – And why should we do that.

Harrison – Because I asked nicely.

Jacob – (Sarcastically) Great reason.

Harrison – I was told to bring you in alive, so, I can promise I won't kill you... but she didn't say I couldn't bring you in broken.

Walls on two sides and the gang behind them and in front of them, they are completely trapped. The gang members begin to close in.

Jacob – (Whispers) Layla, what do you want to do?

Layla – (Whispers) Go for the leader. We get him out of the way, and we can run.

Jacob – (Whispers) Got it.

Jacob and Layla get ready to attack Harrison. The gang continues to close in.

Layla – (Whispers) Now!

Jacob and Layla sprint towards Harrison. Jacob clotheslines Harrison. He goes down and Jacob and Layla run past him into main street.

Layla – Which way do we go?

They look around and notice the bus stop sign down the street to the left.

Jacob – That way!

Jacob and Layla sprint towards the bus stop. There is a bus that just pulled up to the stop and it begins to unload passengers. Jacob and Layla jump on and notice the gang is looking for them. A few more passengers get on the bus. Harrison points towards the bus and one of the gang members walks towards it. The bus doors close and the driver heads down the street.

Layla – That was too close for comfort.

Jacob – I know right.

Layla – I wonder who they were.

Jacob – Did you notice the tattoos?

Layla – I didn't.

Jacob – They had red suns tattooed on their neck.

Layla – Hum...

Jacob – Have you seen that tattoo before.

Layla – Not that I can remember.

There are multiple passengers on the bus. Most would not notice the girl sitting near the back with shoulder-length copper hair and a mask. Layla and Jacob didn't notice her either. The girl types something on her phone. The text reads, "They are on the bus." Jacob and Layla continue talking.

Jacob – We need to get off in two stops.

Layla nods. Jacob types something onto his phone and shows it to Layla. The text reads, "There is a suspicious person behind us we need to get off now."

The bus slows down for a red light and Layla and Jacob run to the front. They force the door open and jump out and run down the street. The girl with the copper hair runs off the bus to follow them and she calls someone on her phone.

Tamra – They jumped off the bus. I think they are on to me... I can't shoot at them... There are a ton of people here... Ugh. you're no help.

hangs up the phone and continues to chase after them.

Jacob – That copper-haired girl is following us.

Layla – Should we go to the police?

Jacob – No, they may be bought off. We need to find somewhere to hide.

Jacob and Layla continue to run down the street. They turn and run into a store. Tamra continues to run down the street and she passes the store. Layla and Jacob hide in the store. Outside: Tamra stops a few blocks away from the store and pulls her phone back out.

Tamra – I lost them... Calm down... Geez, it's not like we can't easily find them, and you only told me to watch him... (sigh)... fine... okay...

Tamra hangs up the phone and puts it back in her pocket.

Tamra – I love my job. I love my boss. Ugh...

Tamra begins to backtrack to try and find Layla and Jacob. While this is happening Layla and Jacob are hiding in the store. 

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