SCENE 5: Leaving

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Layla is in the "hospital" room buttoning the last button on her shirt, when Jacob walks in.

Jacob – Are you ready to go? Everything has already been prepared.

Layla gives a nod. Then she picks up her bag and walks toward the door.

Jacob – Let me carry your bag. (Jacob takes her bag.) Hold my arm. I will help you to the car.

Layla and Jacob walk along with locked arms.

In the car...

Layla – How is Joshua?

Jacob – We brought him here and three days after his surgery he disappeared. We checked the security cameras and there was nothing. Also, the guards that were on watch that night, said Joshua didn't leave his room.

Layla – Really?

Jacob – We are still investigating. He was one of the few that survived from your squad.

Layla – We are just another squad though?

Jacob – I have many things to explain.

Layla looks at Jacob with a questioning look on her face.

Jacob – In time you will understand. I hope...

Layla – Where are we going? We aren't going in the direction of the base.

Jacob – To a café named 'Waning Moon'.

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