SCENE 8: To London

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Jacob and Layla find their seats. Jacob puts his bag in the bin above their seats. Layla then hands him her bag and she put hers in the bin. Layla slides into her seat. Then Jacob sits in his. The stewardess walks up to their seats.

Stewardess: Amelia – We will be taking off in a few minutes. Is there any thing you would like to drink or a snack?

Jacob – Thank you. I don't need anything. Layla, do you want anything?

Layla – I'm good. Thank you.

Amelia continues to walk down the aisle.

Layla turns to Jacob.

Layla – So where are we going exactly.

Jacob – First we are going to London to meet up with a friend of mine. After London, we are heading to America.

Layla – All right.

The Camera Angle shifts to an outside shot. The plane takes off.

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