Scene 19: A Glimpse into the SUN

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Layla opens her eyes to see a room with Japanese-style furniture, one door, no windows, hardwood flooring, a large carpet, and a small lamp illuminating the room. The only sound that can be heard is the ticking of a clock.

Some time passes and the door creaks open. Two guards walk in and blindfold Layla. After Layla is blindfolded the two guards stand behind her to make sure she does not leave.

Guard 1 – It's safe for you to come in now, my lady.

A woman with long black hair and a long black coat enters the room.

Ebony – Hello again, Layla.

Layla – Have we met before?

Ebony – Yes.

Layla – Where?

Ebony – Narita.

Layla – Let me guess, you are the woman we saw at the airport.

Ebony – Bingo.

Layla – What do you want with me?

Ebony – I want something quite simple really.

There is a short pause, and you can hear the clock in the room.

Ebony – Disappear, go off the grid, and do it by yourself.

Layla – Why should I do as you say.

Ebony – You don't want Jacob to die... Do you?

Layla sits silent.

Ebony – I didn't think so. My group will help you disappear.

Layla – What will happen to Jacob if I decide to go with your plan? Will you leave him alone?

Ebony – I'll do more than that. I have people near him at this very moment. I'll have them tell Jacob that you are safe and there is no need to worry. How does that sound?

Layla – Just leaving him alone will suffice. 

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