SCENE 11: Lunar Phase Pt.2

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While things are going on upstairs, Jacob and Louis are walking downstairs to meet with someone.

As they are walking down the stars.

Louis – (He says with a huge smile) Man it's been sooooo long!

Louis goes in for a bro-hug, but Jacob extends his hand for a handshake.

Jacob – (He says with a slight smile) Yes, it has been a long time!

Louis – (He says with a sigh) Same as always...Anyways, how long has it been?

Jacob – 3 years.

Louis – Wow! It feels like it's been longer than that!

Jacob – I agree.

Louis – What did you call me for? It sounded urgent.

Jacob – It is urgent! I am on a mission to protect someone.

Louis – The girl you came with?

Jacob – Yes.

Louis – She looks like she could handle herself though?

He looks at Jacob questioningly.

Jacob – Yes, in normal circumstances.

Louis – I still don't getcha.

Jacob – She has special intel that Karma wants to get their hands on. I am protecting her to make sure they don't touch her.

Louis – So she's your crush? (He looks at Jacob with a smirk)

Jacob – What makes you think that?

Louis – Man, I've known you since kindergarten. You don't pay any attention to anyone you don't like.

Jacob – (He raises an eyebrow) So...

Louis – Also, I know who you work for. They would kill her before they would let Karma touch her. So, I know you like her, or you wouldn't care if she died.

Jacob – Whatever. I'm here to meet with Jerico.

Louis – (He shrugs his shoulders) Okay. Okay.

Louis and Jacob reach the bottom of the steps. They walk down a hallway and enter double doors on the left marked with a crescent moon and an intricate galaxy from the top of the doors to the bottom. They enter, and the room is decorated with planetary and galactic-themed objects and furniture. The room is painted in deep violet, cerulean blue, magenta, midnight black, and titanium white. There is a bar on the right, lounge chairs on the left, bathrooms on the other side of the room, and walking towards them is a girl with gemini green and lunar blue hair.

Jerico – Hello!

Louis – What's up my galactic girl!

Jerico – Shut-up Louis!

Louis pouts, shrugs his shoulders, and walks over to the bar.

Jacob – Nice to meet you again, Jerico.

Jacob reaches and shakes Jerico's hand.

Jerico – What brings you to my store?

Jacob – I'm here to discuss how to leave London undetected. I need to get to the States with my partner.

Jerico – Oh, I see. When do you need to leave?

Jacob – As soon as possible.

Jerico – I know you are a secretive guy, but I need more details. Wait, let's go to a more private room.

Jerico leads Jacob next to the bookshelf near the bathrooms. She pulls out a book with the number 9 on it and a latch pops out from the 6th shelf. She pulls the latch and the bookcase swivels. They walk through the entrance and the bookshelf closes behind them.  

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