Friendly Visit

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Stiles pulls up to the curb by the Airport entrance to let us out.

"You sure about this?" Stiles asks me again, removing his seatbelt and turning to face me completely.

"Yeah. It'll be fine, it's just one weekend." I keep my tone bland, still thoroughly upset with him.

"Then why do I feel like its more than that?" The sad eyed look he gives me makes him look younger, along with the absence of his beard.

"It isn't." I answer curtly.

"Why isn't daddy coming with us?" Miles curiously observes us from the back.

"They're fighting." Ever intuitive Maggie informs her brother. "Because of the lady outside the bar." Of course she saw, she's very observent and positively genius for her age.

"Maggie." I shoot her a look in the rearview before turning to face them both. "Daddy's going to see uncle Scott while we visit the Lahey's. That's all."

"Yeah everything's fine guys." Stiles smiles at the children, winking at Maggie as he knows she's not blind to the situation.

He helps me get the kids out, getting their bags onto their backs before retrieving my small suitcase from the trunk.

"I'll walk you guys in." Stiles offers hopefully.

"I got it." I twitch my lips in a courteous smile before taking the children's hands.

The twins look between us before sharing one of concern.

Stiles nods solemnly and gives a small wave to the kids, walking back around the car to the driver's side.

"Vi." He stops with his hand on the door handle.

"Hm?" I turn back, having already begun walking towards the entrance.

"Uh, just, enjoy your trip. I'll be right here waiting for you guys when you get back."

I give him a nod and the kids wave again before we turn and proceed into the airport. We go through the process and board our plane to New York.


"Wow, Lydia this place is incredible." I compliment her and Isaac's clealry expensive penthouse.

"Oh, its nothing too posh." She waves it off with that knowing tone she always used in highschool when someone complimented her riches.

"It's very you."

"So-" She takes a seat at the fully stocked bar, swiveling in the bar stool to face me; her gorgeous hair catching in the wind. "You and your boo are fighting already?"

"Ugh, let's not." I let out an exasperated sigh at the thought of the whole mess, taking a seat beside her.

"Dad had a girlfriend." Maggie strolls by casually in a pair of Lydia's high heels, scooting her feet a bit to keep the oversized shoes on.

Lydia looks at me wide eyed and mouth agape.

"Shut up." She says as if she simply can not fathom it.

"Yes." I assure her it's true. "They were together when I came back. He left her for me. But supposedly they had never been..." I eye the children to make sure they aren't listening too closely. "Intimate."

"Oh. " Lydia seems to be unimpressed. "Thats it?"

I double blink at her, though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that she doesn't think this is a big deal. I'm sure she had bigger romantic scandals as a freshmen in highschool.

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