So Long Sofia

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After the twins have their bedtime snack I send them upstairs to brush their teeth.

"That Magnolia has immense untapped potential. We should send her to school early, give her every opportunity to succeed." Sofia chats with me like we're co-parents.

I feel an intense jolt of fury at her discussing the future of my daughter. I slam the dish I'm washing into the sink, shattering the ceramic. A shard ricochets towards my face but I use my supernatural reflexes to catch it before it stabs me in the eye.

I propel it at Sofia who stands close, back against the counter. She moves her head as it makes contact so it only grazes her cheek, leaving a shallow cut on her face and mine, in turn.

"Well," She raises a manicured finger to wipe the blood seeping from her cut. "Someone's in a mood." She joins me at the sink to wash her hands.

I'm seething with anger, I grab her wrist as she reaches for the faucet. I shove her hand back, disgusted with her close proximity.

"Oh, am I not allowed to wash my hands with the water I pay for?" She smirks, full of herself.

She loves to it sound like she's doing us a favor, taking care of us.

I punch her square in the face.

She stumbles back clutching her nose, as do I.

"For Christ sake, Violet!" She yells; a rarity, typically a calm and collected woman.

She pulls her hand back and sees the blood from her nose, grabbing the dish towel from the counter and wiping her face.

"You don't get to do that!" I fire at her.

"Do what?"  She's already recollected herself, back to her steady tone as if she hadn't just been hit.

"Talk about my children! Play pretend like we're some big happy family!" I slam my fist on the counter, leaving a crater in the granite.

"Well I am your aunt, dear." She says it so matter of factly, like she's just a regular family member that hasn't completely ruined my life.

I storm towards her, grabbing her throat and lifting her from the ground. I know she can't breath because I can't either, but I give one more satisfying squeeze before letting her fall to the ground.

We both cough and gasp for air, her on the floor and myself still standing but gripping the counter as I catch my breath.

Sofia starts to chuckle and this infuriates me further.

"What is so damn funny?" I ask, extremely unamused.

"Nothing, nothing." She waves her hand and sits up, still smiling while rubbing her throat.

"Just you. You were such a soft hearted girl when I met you, now look at you." She gestures over me. "Strong. Crazy, but strong."

She begins to get up but I kick her in the chest, knocking the wind out of both of us. I collapse next to her and take a moment before leaning over her, pulling her up to me by her velvety top.

"You're right. I'm a lot different from that sweet girl you ruined. Angry." My claws  come out and puncture her shirt.

"Broken." I release my grip so her head drops back to the ground, thudding against the sleek finish of the floor.

I take her chin in my hands and look her square in the eyes.

"And quite frankly, a little unstable." I bring my thumbs up to her eyes and she instinctively closes them.

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