Papa Stiles

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"I really hope they like me." I'm driving Stiles to his dad's house to see the twins, he's a little anxious about meeting them.

"They'll love you." I pat his thigh and he rests his hand on mine.

"I forgot how tiny your hands are." He chuckles, looking down at his large hand engulfing mine.

I roll my eyes at him and pull my hand back, pouting.

"Aw, no its cute. Good practice for holding the kids hands." He picks on me with a handsome smile on his face.

My mouth drops open at his insulting joke and I smack his arm.

"You are so mean! They're not that small." I hold my hand up and observe its size. "Well..." I shrug and look at Stiles, both of us laughing.

We pull into the driveway and I look at the digital clock in the car, it reads 11:03pm. I tap it and look at Stiles.

"They're probably sound asleep." I smile soflty at him. "For your fathers sake I hope so, anyways."

Stiles smiles weakly, distracted.

"You okay?" His mood seems to be easily influenced these days, quite a change from his shield of sarcasm in highschool.

"Yeah." His face shifts a bit, brows bunching as he consciously tries to mask his worried expression.

"Its just, uh-" He clears his throat and leans back in the seat. "My dad and I... we kind of had a falling out."

I'm shocked to hear this, they were always so close.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't know." The Sheriff didn't mention it.

"Its fine." He sighs deeply, running a hand through his long hair.

I bite my lip at the definition of his arm, noticeable even through his shirt. I can't help but think about the new realm of sexual positions we could get into thanks to his new broad build, the things he could slam me up against...

"What happened?" I ask, internalizing my lustful thoughts.

"It's my fault. I-" He licks his lips and flicks his eyes in my direction before looking away again, seemingly uncomfortable.

"I haven't been... myself. For a long time." He leaves it at that and I look at him for a moment, wondering just how bad it got while I was away.

"Well..." I rest a hand on his face and he meets my eyes.

"Regardless of how far off the rails you've gone. I'm here to whip you back into shape, so get it together Stilinski." I joke with him, giving his face a soft pat and earning a small smile topped with a glimmer of amusement in his brown eyes.

"Seriously." The lightheartedness leaves my voice.

"Its you and me Stiles. Forever, right? I'm here for you." This brings tears to his eyes and he nods silently, sniffling and attempting to look less emotionally vulnerable.

"I know." He gazes at me, eyes displaying that deep, complex soul of his.

"My god, you grew up." I state, he was joking earlier when he spoke of his maturity but he was right; He really has matured emotionally... and physically.

This makes him laugh and he gives me a quick kiss before we exit my suv.

I knock lightly on the door in case the twins are sleeping before taking Stiles' hand and intertwining our fingers. I give him a wink as we hear the door being unlocked. His dad answers and takes in the sight of us, together again.

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