Chapter 2

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Harry POV

"Did you know there's a new stripper starting tonight, I heard he's hot" Zayn said as we're walking to The Pulse.
"Looks like I might have some competition then." I replied with a smirk. Zayn just snorts at my comment. I hope I get to see him preform so I know what I'm up against.
Usually I'm not like this with new people joining but I've heard quite a lot about him. Tonight I'm just going to observe him, make him nervous by staring at him while he preforms. I know that sounds like I'm being a stalker but if I make him nervous I can tease him for it, use it against him. Or maybe he will cover up that I make him nervous, we will have to see.

With all that thinking I didn't realise we were already here. I'm going to do a massive performance tonight as I'm well known and it's my birthday. I plan on getting shit face drunk after my performance as I only have one tonight.

I walk through the doors of The Pulse and everyone turns and stares, full attention on me and Zayn, I keep the smirk on my face until I see him... the bluest eyes meet the greenest, my smirk instantly drops and is replaced by a frown, not a sad one, or an angry one but a shit how can I make him nervous when I'm nervous just by looking at him one.

He's absolutely gorgeous, I walk past as everyone starts cheering for me and Zayn, hands all over our bodies swarming us until it gets to the point where I need to push them out the way.

"I need to go to the schedule wall a minute Zayn" I smile at him.
Zayn rolls him eyes at me just because Zayn isn't stupid he knows why I'm going and to top it all off he says "okay I'll be waiting by the bar going to introduce myself to new boy", he laughs as I give him the finger.

As I burst through the door, down the corridor, Ed laughs at me as he watches me from his cosy chair he lets nobody sit on.
I just shake my head and keep going.
Once I'm there I go through all the papers and I finally find his paper.
'Tommo the Tease' written in cute handwriting I smile at the name. The photo of him gives me heart eyes. I take one of his papers and surprisingly there's not many left.

I walk past Ed he says "whose paper did you choose Styles" He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and keep walking before I walk out the doors I reply back with "how about you go and see for yourself Sheeran." I hear him snort as I walk out the doors.

Once I see the flashing lights of the club, I finally spot Zayn with Liam, and Louis (aka Tommo the Tease). I look at Zayn and he waves and smiles at me.
Zayn can be a pain in the ass but I don't know where I'd be without him.

Louis POV

As the two lads walk through the crowd hands are all over them like they're some bloody celebrities. I see Harry pushing them off him, I laugh at the sight.
Harry goes to this door and I see the black haired bloke move his lips and Harry gives him the finger, he seems to be in a rush for something.
I leave the situation alone and start chatting to Liam for about five minutes talking about the club until the black haired guy comes towards us.

"Hi I'm Zayn Malik it's nice to meet you." Zayn says as he pats Liam on the back.
"I'm Louis Tomlinson" I grin
Zayn looks at me up and down for a slit second and then says "your new here, if I were you, if you have a chat with my mate lovely old Harold, just don't get on the bad side of him, don't show him that your scared of him if you are, it'll boost his ego a little too much." He laughs.
What a dickhead I think to myself but brush it off.

"Good to know Zayn, are you and Harry good friends then?" He nods.
I look at my phone and realise I have 30 minutes until my performance to start I was shitting myself was an understatement.

"Your going to be fine, first performances are always nerve racking" Zayn comforts me.
What the fuck I think it's like he can read my mind. I give him a smile and say "thanks, do you always meet the new people that start?"
"Sometimes but they always have the same face expression as you" he replies.
I simply nod.

Behind Zayn I can see chocolate curls that I could see from a mile away. Harrys curls to be exact.

He sits next to Zayn and greets him and Liam, he just stares at me...

"Harry this is-" Zayn gets cut off by Harry.
"Louis I know, welcome love" he says with a smile.
I won't give into his tricks I think to myself.
"Hello Harold lovely meeting you, your quite known in here yes? Anywhere else your known at so I can remind myself never to go there?"

His smile fades, I think that clearly pissed him off.
"When are you performing love" Harry says.
"In about 10 minutes so I better be off" I reply with a smile.

Harry watches me as I walk to the locker room he shows no emotion at all.

Once I'm dressed in my fishnets, short shorts, heels and my unbuttoned shirt I look at myself in the mirror and say,
Come on Tommo, I look at myself in the mirror and smirk "wouldn't want to make a bad impression on Mr. Styles now would we" I laugh as I wait behind the curtain which on the other side has a room full of horny men, I laugh at that statement I just made.

"Give it up for our newest member please give him a warm welcome gentleman, his name is Tommo the Tease!" I hear the DJ say and I can hear a bunch of whistles and claps.
I take a deep breath as the curtains open and "Often" by the weekend starts to play, I walk up the stage and sway my hips to the rhythm and blow kisses to the odd few lads in the crowd.

I look up to see to dark green eyes looking straight at me in the very far corner on the room, and I know exactly who those eyes belong to...

*Authors note*

Hello everyone! Chapter two is done! I hope you enjoy it, please comment, vote and give feedback, your comments are hilarious to read haha.
Follow my Instagram Tommoway100 for more updates!
Word count = 1158 words.

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