Chapter 26

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Louis POV

Me and Harry took the rest of summer slow. I mean how could we not after everything that happened. Harry got Dylan in jail and he's now locked up in a cold prison suffering. God I hope he suffers so much after what he did to me.

He is the Villain, the one who shredded my soul, the villain who destroyed me, the villain whose words tore me into pieces. The person who stopped me from being free for months.

But then I look over at Harry, holding onto my hand like the world depends on it, like if he lets go I'll shatter into shards. We are currently walking across the purple flowered field where we had our first date, memories flashing past of how happy we were.

Harry has a basket picking flowers every now and then for the apartment we practically share as Niall has a girlfriend now shes got glowing brown hair, skinny but not boney, like Kendall Jenner type body. She has freckles around her nose and cheeks and has full eye lashes and ocean blue eyes. Her name is Delilah.

So she stays round mine and Niall's flat but I stay at Harrys, Liam and Zayn say I should just move in with Harry already.
I want to so bad but change scares me.

It scares me so much.

That was until the sun was setting and Harry asked me. He asked me to move in with him. I stood there silently, shocked.

"Of course I will hazza" I wrap my arms around his neck and he spins me around with his strong hands around my waist.
I felt at home, Harry is my home.

He was the hero that stopped the villain. He was my hero. The missing puzzle piece to my life.

We walk for what seems like miles on this never ending field, I didn't even know how far it goes, but that's not what I'm thinking about. I speak up "we live life hoping to find our soulmates, what happens if I never meet you in a different life? What happens if people come into your life that mean more than I ever did?" I ask and Harry turns to me startled

"I think we will always find each other in different lives, I'm pretty certain that you are the only one for me." Harry says rubbing his thumb slowly around my palm.

"You've never told me much about your family" Harry says

"Well theres not much to say, they are supportive, Phoebe and Daisy, Lottie and Fizzy my sisters have always been by my side, I want you to meet them" I say Unsure about how he will react about the last part

"I mean of course I want to meet all of them, I'm great with children." Harry rambles on about how he loves kids, hoping we will have our own one day.

"As my parents never want to see me again, I want to redeem myself with your family" he says
"Harry they will love you I promise, I'm not bothered about your family apart from your sister, they don't have my respect of how they treated you, leaving you on the streets but hey they are missing out on the man that you became" I smile up at him.

We stand in the middle of the field smiling just enjoying the atmosphere I felt his fingers make their way up to my spine
and back down again slowly. I grinned at the small gesture he always does. I look up at him tracing the tattoo on his lower chest, "love" he said just above a whisper

"Yes haz" I copy his tone, it was like this moment was so fragile that if they spoke any louder the world would crack. "Never leave me" he said looking down at me and stared into my doe eyes making me fall in love all over again "this is forever my love don't worry" I assure him lifting my hands going up his muscular arms.

I put my hands placing them on his neck going on my tip toes to kiss his soft lips. The sun had gone down now the summer heat still boiling us in our loose shirts.

We both lay with our backs on the grass looking up to the stars, the sky filled with stars.
"I've always liked the stars" I say
"Hmm whys that"

"Because they have always been there. At my darkest nights, they are there. When I'm my happiest they're there, even before I was born they are there, before any of us. And they will still be there when we die, shining up the sky like glow sticks" I stop rambling

"This is why I love you, you think about things most people don't" Harry takes my hand and kisses it.

We stay like this for a little more, until Harry stands up and holds his hand out for me go grab.
We walk back to Harrys car, he opens the door out for me as he always does, even though the first night we were here I said to him I could open doors by myself, he insists he opens the door for me.

Niall says we act like an old married couple Delilah agrees all the time same with Liam and Zayn.

The chance of existing is extremely rare. There are billions of people who aren't on this earth yet, and have no idea what it's like to live, so with that being said the chances of existing are slim, but the chances of existing at the same time as Harry is a fucking miracle.

*authors note*
Wow chapter 26 is done. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I think I'm only going to do two more chapters of this book then I'm going to start on my second book which I'm super excited for.
All the love Ruby <3

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