Chapter 12

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At the start of the chapter I'd listen to "looking at me" by Sabrina Carpenter to have the better image of what's happening. Anyways I love you all and continue reading. Enjoy lovelies!!

Harry POV

I've said it multiple times and I'll say it again. Louis Tomlinson will be the death of me.

As trumpets if the intro of the song comes on my eyes immediately find Louis blue ones.  The beats of the song go with is steps as he moves around the stage. A smirk plastered on his face.

"Did I catch your attention it looks like you lost your breath" the lyric of the song says Louis making obvious eye contact with nobody but me. The men are still mesmerised by him.  He makes it look so effortless.

Louis does a routine around the metal pole making every man beneath him swoon as they take out their wallets and throw multiple notes at him.
One man though is waving his notes at Louis, he obviously notices and takes the notes and put them in his skirt. He walks away from him and gives him a wink.

"Don't you stand there staring at me, try to move your feet" he looks at me and licks his lips. Fucking hell I turn to look at Liam who is luckily just serving drinks and paying no attention to my reactions.

"If you think their looking at you, their looking at me" the lyric says, Louis keeping his eyes on me. "I can make it nice and easy, I can take the lead" Louis is now walking past all the men stroking all their shoulders and coming towards me. Shit

"They ain't even looking at you baby, they're looking at me" he whispers in my ear and bites my earlobe gently. I may or may not of slipped a couple notes in his skirt while he was too busy lip syncing the words and seducing me.

He walks back over to the crowd getting them going again. "I can teach you the things you want to know" the lyric says and he gives me a wink.

"It can be you and me but you know I will steal the show" As I think Lou is aiming this at me because yes he has stolen the show, my crowd and yet no one has left they just like him more, and I'm definitely not complaining, he deserves the crowd.

He swings around the pole getting into the song. He's now down on his knees, his hands going slowly down his thighs. Keeping eye contact with me the whole time. 

He's definitely asking for something tonight, and I don't know if I should give it to him.

We've only known each other for a week and a half and we already have a strong connection and lots of sexual tension, everyone in the bloody club can see that.

Louis is absolutely gorgeous inside and outside of the club. I don't know why he would go for me and there he is practically dancing for me in front of a load of horny men and yet his eyes are only focused on mine.

The song comes to an end Louis is collecting the notes but suddenly a man grabs his waist. The man is moving his hand up and down Louis upper thigh. Louis obviously looks uncomfortable. The man is saying things to Louis making him feel uncomfortable. Suddenly Louis turns around and says "get the fuck off me yeah!?" He shouts at the man.
"What do you expect me to do when your dressed like a slut in front of all these men!" The man shouts. "It's a bloody strip club you dickhead."

The man said something I couldn't hear but it made Louis mad. Then Louis does something unexpected, he punches the man making him fall back and collide with the other men behind. That's my boy I think to myself.

Then Louis kicks him in the area which makes him fall on the floor completely. "Don't fucking come back here otherwise I'll tell your wife and kids you like watching younger men dance for you. Trust me I could ruin your life so be fucking careful." And to finish it off Louis throws his red bunny ears at the man.

Louis walks into the locker rooms and I obviously follow him.

I see him taking his shirt off showing his "it is what it is" tattoo. He notices me and grins. "Are you alright darling, I saw everything I was going to come over and punch the shit out of him but you had beat me to it."

"Yeah I'm used to that shit don't worry, I meant every word I said" he smirks up at me. I move forward and say "your performance was beautiful"

"Well I kinda figured with the notes you put in my skirt."

Shit I think. He looks up at me and takes my T-shirt off and starts to trace the ship tattoo on my upper arm below my shoulder. He looks up at me like I'm his old world.

"Can I take you on a date Harold?" I basically choked on nothing. We spend a couple moments of looking into each other's eyes. I finally say "of course you can love"

"Well I figured we can't have the date on the working days this week so how does Saturday at 4 sound?" He asks and I nod vigorously. "Your adorable now come on let's go tell Lima."

I can't find my words all I can do is follow Louis.
"Liam we have news!" Lou says.

"Oh let me guess you guys have finally stopped eye fucking each other and one of you actually asked the other to go out on a date, or did you just fuck in the locker room?" Liam says.

I laugh at how blunt Liam was but Louis takes the conversation and says "well my dear friend I asked lovely Harold on a date on Saturday." Liam looks at me to confirm and I nod and look down.

"Aww look at that you've finally made Harry speechless!" Liam laughs and Louis slaps him "shut up Liam its adorable"

I blush and say "hey Louis I'm going to get going I'm quite tired." I looks sad but understands and says "let me walk you out, I want a smoke after what's happened tonight." I nod and we say our goodbyes to Liam and walk out The Pulse with Louis's hand around my waist.

I feel safe with him.

*authors note*

Awww how sweet! A lot of things happened in this one, but there's chapter 12 yall I hope you like it! Make sure to comment because the comments make my day and to give feedback on my Instagram at Tommoway100 for updates too. Vote if you want I guess.
Thank you again everyone -Ruby <3

Word count = 1157

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