Chapter 1, the start

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Louis POV
"Ugh Niall shut the fuck up!" I shout from my bedroom as I hear my best friend and roommate Niall moving the kitchen plates around. "Fuck off I'm trying to find my favourite plate to put my eggs on toast with!" I groan and get up from my bed and walk into the kitchen. I look in the left side cabinet and surprise, surprise it's there on top of all the other plates. "Your welcome" I say in a sassy tone.

I grab a bowl of watermelon (an:wink wonk) and sit with Niall. "How are you feeling about tonight" Niall says referring to my new job at the gay club The Pulse, one of the most popular gay clubs in London. "Kind of shitting myself here Nialler only because it's much bigger and popular than back at the other place" , Niall laughs with his mouth full of food.

See Niall is the only person that knows about my feminine side, I feel confident in stuff like heels, lace, fishnets and short shorts. As I always say choose friends who will support you. It's not like others don't support me, I'm just not ready to tell them.

"You have nothing to worry about Lou, come on look at yourself, practically a walking goddess if I've ever seen one, they will all fall down to their knees for you!" He says with I smile. I just grin and nod at him. After we both finished eating, I check the time and it's 10:46. I pick an Adidas track suit to wear and lay it on my bed for when I'm out of the shower.

*skip to after the shower because idk what to write for it haha*

Once I have my clothes on I check the time once again, it's now 11:22, I go into the kitchen to see Niall left a note.

Just gone to the shop to get us food, we're running out, you were in the shower before I left, I'll be back in 40 minutes
Love Nialler :)

I laugh at the note because we're always running out of food Niall seems to have 6 meals a day instead of 3, Ive known this since secondary school.
I walk out the door and text Niall that I've gone out. Niall is more of a note person than a messenger person, a social butterfly is more of the word.

Anyway I walk into the beechwood cafe down the road from mine and Niall's flat. I get the usual black coffee and donut. I start to wonder how it's going to go tonight. It's new people, new place, new reactions. I know people will like me because who won't let's be honest. The waitress keeps trying to flirt with me by showing me her cleavage when she gives me my coffee, I groan as she walks away I earn a few stares but they can all fuck themselves.

Once she gives me the bill on it, it says "here's my number hottie" I want to throw up so I write back "I'm gay love" and give it back to her. I can hear her sigh when I walk out but I simply couldn't care less.

I've figured out that my stripper name will be 'Tommo the Tease' it has a nice ring to it and the song I've chosen to dance to tonight is Often by the weekend, that will get the crowd intrigued for sure.

I'm now back at mine and Niall's flat. When I get through the door Niall is sat on the sofa with half an apple in his hand watching whatever is on tv. I jump onto the sofa and hit Niall accidentally, "ah what did you do that for!?" He shouts, I only laugh and say it wasn't done on purpose.

"Anything happen while I was gone?" Niall asked. I just giggle because the memory back at the cafe replayed in my head. "Yeah actually I went to the cafe down the road and the waitress asked for my number on the bill I wrote back that I was gay, not sure if she was happy."
Niall snorts and says "mate that's the funniest thing I've heard this week" and continues to laugh about it.

After about 2 hours of chatting with Niall I get up and get my outfit ready for tonight. I choose black short shorts with black fishnets with red heels and an open t-shirt. Excitement has taken over my nerves and I'm more than ready.

*skip until 10pm*

"Right Nialler I'm off wish me luck you fucker" I shout from the living room into his room.
"You'll do amazing honey I promise!"
Niall boosts my mood by 100 now I'm full on ready to go. I have my outfit in my bag and get into my car.
It takes about 10 minutes to get to The Pulse. From the outside it look gorgeous. I go up to the security guard and tell him I'm a new employee, he nods and lets me through. As I walk in there's lights everywhere going into different directions. It's truly amazing in here. I walk up to the bar and a slightly buff man comes up to me with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

He has short brown hair styled with hair gel. "Hi my name is Liam Payne what can I do for you?" He says with a friendly smile.
I smile back and say "I'm new here could you tell me where or who i need to go to please?"
Liam says "of course I can bud, see that door in the corner there" he points towards a black door that says employees only, " go through there and a man called Ed will tell you your times on when you go on stage, the locker room and your schedule."
I thank him and walk over to the door.

I look around and see a ginger guy sitting in a cosy looking chair in the right corner. "Hello are you Ed, Liam at the bar told me to come here, I'm new" I give him a bright smile. He looks at me and grins.
"Wow you must be Louis, hey bud! Follow me to the schedule wall." We walk up a corridor and go left to another room filled with paper on the wall. "These are all the stripers schedules feel free to have a look at some, it tells you the days and times they work and they're stripper names and a photo of them." Ed says.

I go towards one and look at one, his name is Harry Styles.
Stripper name is Dimples, I grin short and sweet I think to myself.
Days and times are on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday all between the time of 11pm and 3pm.
I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive because attractive is a fucking understatement. Curls down to his shoulder, green eyes that look like they have the whole world in them. Adorable dimples, I understand his name now, and has a bit of muscle.

"Oh you've found Harold I see" Ed says like it's been done before.
I smile at him and nod, I take one of his papers and put it into my bag. "Can I see my paper please." I ask and Ed shows me to my paper. I fill out my stripper name as Tommo the Tease. And I can see that my times are between 11:30pm and 2pm on Tuesdays to Thursdays. The times and days are perfect I think to myself and I grab myself one of my papers.

I go over to the DJ and he says my times tonight are 12:00 and 1:30, so I have 2 performances tonight. I tell him my name and what songs.

I go over to the bar to chat with Liam for a bit until the door swings open and let me tell you it got everyone's attention, I turn to see Harry his name was I think with someone stood next to him, he has black hair and a jaw that could cut a slice of bread and hazel eyes.
I turn to look at Harry who already has his eyes on me like some sort of prey...

*Authors note*

Ahhhh so there's the first chapter of The Pulse. I really hope you guys like it as much as I do. Please comment and give feedback. Much appreciated, Ruby <3
Follow my insta Tommoway100 for updates on the story.
Please share this story with people as it's my first story :)

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