Chapter 11

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Harry POV

To say Saturday went well was an understatement. I'm glad he opened up to me and got to know me, vice versa.
I'm starting to feel something special towards him, not that I didn't at the start, I guess that feeling has never disappeared. I meant what I said about soulmates and the love shit.

Me and Lou have been talking non stop since's now Tuesday.


Louis: come to The Pulse tonight, pretty please xx
Harry: fine only because you came on Friday, I guess I owe you love x
Louis: you sure do owe me xx
Harry: what time are we thinking then :)
Louis: umm how about 12:30 I'm performing at 1:30 I think xx
Harry: I'll see you there Lou
Louis: see you there hazza, thank you.
Harry: no worries <3

Okay now I have to see Louis tonight looking like the Angel himself with about 30-40 men drooling over him.

Fuck sake, i groan in frustration it's already 9pm so I decide to take a map for the remaining time.

I wake up at 11:37 which it's enough time to make myself presentable to Louis. I start to think if Louis has ever been in love and what happened to make him stop believing. I wonder if he has an ex, god what the fuck am I thinking he would never go for me.

I look in the mirror and gulp at the sight, he would never go for me, I start to look at my flaws, you have bad skin, pointy nose, wide hips, a tummy nobody likes tummy's.

My long hair, thin lips, long legs, I didn't realise I was crying until I can feel them running down my neck, my eyes are puffy.

Disgusting, I think, I'm so weak, weak weak weak that word repeats itself. I punch the mirror with so much force glass, all over the bathroom floor.

Knuckles full of blood i don't clean it.

I decide on wearing a see through black T-shirt with tight black jeans. I walk out the door at 12:20pm and get to The Pulse at 12:40 I spot Lou straight away and give him a grin.

He runs up to me and hugs me. "I missed you Haz" I says with his face in my T-shirt. I laugh and say "I will forever miss you more darling"

He takes my hand but immediately stops when he sees my knuckles.

"Right we're sitting down and talking about that." I huff because I realise I'm not getting out of this situation.

Louis drags me to a booth in the corner, it's the same one I watched him at his very first night I remember. I smile at how much idiots we were being then.

"What happened Harry" he looks genuinely scared.

"Well there's no point lying so here goes.... so I um- I started looking in the mirror in my bathroom and um I started noticing all my flaws and um I punched the mirror so hard it um-"

I'm cut off with Louis taking my hand in his, suddenly he's bringing my hand to his mouth.

He starts to kiss the bruises, the scratches, the blood stains. He looks up at me and says "please don't look at your flaws, that's- that's what make you, you don't even have many flaws haz, look at you! Your so so gorgeous. Please don't do that, ever. Ever again."

Now there's tears going down his eyes "oh Lou don't cry please" I put my hand on his cheeks to wipe away his tears. "How could I not when you've done that!" I look down ashamed.

He puts his finger under my chin to lift my head back up. He looks at me then wraps his hands around my neck and hugs me.

He hugs me so tight, like he's telling me to hug back which I do without hesitation.

"Your perfect hazza" he sniffs. I smile because for the first time I believe it.

"Thank you boo" I whisper into his hair.

It's now 1:15 that mean Louis has 15 minutes to get ready.

I follow him into the locker room but once we get to the door he says "no don't come in I want my outfit to be a surprise" he smirks.

"You'll love it haz" he winks then walks off into the locker room.

Fuck, shit, I suddenly see Ed in the other room sniggering at mine and Louis's actions. I simply flip him off and walk away because let's be honest Ed knows all too well and sees everything that happens.

I walk over to Liam and give him a wave, he gives me friendly smile, Liam makes everyone feel safe.

"Saw you a Louis getting a bit cosy yeah mate? I mean it's not hard to miss you've had your eyes on him like predator meets prey ever since his first night"

"Yeah you could put it like that, he's just one of a kind you know, he says everything how it is, he makes me happy now we've sorted everything, god I could even call him home" I say

"Awww Harrys in love! That's adorable, you two are made for each other anyone would agree."

I smile at Liam, he knows when to say the right things. "I'm glad you think so Lili"

"No worries mate now anything to drink?" He says
"I'll have just a can of strongbow dark fruits if you have any please mate"

"Yeah mate also it's on me so don't worry paying" Liam says and I thank him.

As I'm drinking the alcohol, I'm taking in the club thinking, this is a good place to be right now, truly amazing.
People on the dance floor having the time of their lives not giving a single fuck.

I realise the time is 1:29 and the DJ suddenly calls out "anddd now give it up for one of everyone's favourites it's Tommo The Tease everyone!!" Fuck I don't know what to expect.

The intro to "Looking at me" by a female artist Sabrina Carpenter.

Fucking hell. Louis is wearing red heels, red fishnets under a red silk skirt. Along with that he's wearing a red see through button up T-shirt of course none of them are done up but it's tucked into the skirt.

Shit and on his head he is wearing red bunny ears, BUNNY EARS.

As I'm taking in the sight of him I didn't realise he was staring right into my eyes.

*authors note*

Wow there's chapter 11! I hope you liked it, please comment they make my day, give feedback and vote if you want. All the support means the world to me. And if you have any suggestions or for updates message me on Instagram at Tommoway100
Thank you again -Ruby <3

Word count = 1157

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