Chapter 16

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Okay i'm sorry it has been so long i have been really busy with online school, the holidays and going back to school recently but i am hoping this chapter will be longer.
Once again sorry for the long wait I hope you guys stayed :)
Enjoy reading

Harry pov

Today is the date that I'm planning. I chose bowling because I didn't know what Louis liked. Yes I know it's a very cliche date idea but what can I say I'm a hopeless romantic.

I chilled out for most of the day because let's be honest I was shitting myself and Louis is just perfect he's like a drug you can't get enough of. I haven't felt like this for anyone for ages since....never mind I shouldn't be thinking about them.

I do some cleaning around the apartment and reorganising because I clean when I'm nervous. Scrubbing and swiping all the bacteria, rubbish in the bin, something suddenly fell and made a big noise,
I jump and flashbacks come through again all at once. I stand frozen, that's until I hear the door knock. I turn my head worried because I wasn't expecting anyone today.

I slowly walk up to my tall wooden door towering over me. There's a knock again.... I eventually open the door to see that sparkling smile and blonde hair I could see from a mile away.

"Niall, god hello sorry I didn't open up something fell when you knocked" I sighed.
"Oh no worries mate, are you alright you seem a bit shaken up by something...and you look like you've been crying" he replies.
"Oh no I've been cleaning sorry lad I got a bunch of dust in my face, silly me blew the dust into my eyes" I laugh nervously.

"Alright, well whats this date then! Tell me what your planning I need to know everything, I'm sure Louis will like anything" Niall says fast in his thick Irish accent.
"Calm down haha, I'm planning taking him bowling I'm hoping he likes it because he said he isn't the romantic type" I say
"Oh he will love it and he definitely is a hopeless romantic at heart" he winks at me.

Niall stays at mine for a couple hours just talking and watching tv, it's comfortable around him, he understands me.

Anyway it's now 4:00 I told Louis I would pick him up at 5:30 so that gives me time to get ready.

I take a quick shower and washing my long hair. Once I'm out I put on the outfit Liam and Zayn planned for me, putting on the black jeans and the Chelsea boots along with the blue Bandana.

Suddenly I get a text from Louis saying he couldn't wait to see me, which hello gave me the biggest butterflies. He really is my favourite person when I thought I wouldn't love someone again, he comes along and blows me away with his beauty.

I'm just getting my wallet and few things then I can be on my way to pick Louis up.
(She's got you by Patsy Cline) PLS OKI CARRY ON

I get into the car on my way to Louis and turn on the radio humming to the melody. I smile because it reminds me of Louis. Dancing to this song in the kitchen with him would be heaven. His sleepy bed head and sleepy eyes, crumpled shirt while the smell of eggs and bacon are filling up the kitchen.

Running around the house chasing him and tickling him when I catch him, or sneaking into The Pulse and dancing to music in the day. Or on sleepy nights when we're both tired listening to this song being a healthy couple.
What I'd do to experience that.

I smile and my cheeks start to go pink. I keep my eyes on the road almost at Louis flat building. Making memories and taking photos on dates or shopping together, cleaning together or maybe even dancing on stage together. That is what I call a perfect future because he has made me want to love again, he isn't just some one night stand, no way he's so much more. He's way more than I planned he would be.
And I'm not complaining.

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