Chapter 12

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A/N: Thanks you for the 2.6 K!!!


Your pov

I was in my room quietly having tea while on my parchment until the door to our room slammed open. I went outside to see who it was who entered our room without knocking and it was Yang.

I'm not even surprised when I see her in our doorway. Outside was the rest of her team and JNPR.

"N/F, you and your team are coming to our party so get ready" Yang said.

"Yang, please, it's 2 at night. It can't be tomorrow?" said Reaper.

"No, you guys are coming to Junior's bar so hurry up" I grunted and went to my room.

I entered without touching (serious error) and I found the kni-

Wait! The dark knight is a girl!? I stared at her in shock.

"Don't tell anyone, understand?" she said.

I nod and put on my normal clothes.

"Tell them I'm sick or something" she said.

I went out and saw everyone waiting, I told them the knight wouldn't come because he, well, she was sick, all understand and nodded. Nick jumped up, climbed up to my shoulders, and we left with the teams.


When we arrived I ordered Vodka, after a few more bottles I was completely drunk. Ren and Jaune helped me not to fall.

The whole night was fun but we had to go. In one of these I got away from the teams and met two familiar people.

"Wow Y/N so you went to the side of the "good guys", huh?" Emerald said.

"That's a shame, Y/N" said Mercury "I was starting to like you"

"Leave me *hip* alone" I replied.

"Wait... that's a bottle of Vodka, are you drunk!?" Emerald said, laughing.

"I said leave me alone!" I yelled as I was going to attack them but they were faster. I got hit so hard it that made me hit some garbage cans, or maybe I was just weak.

"Heh, so fragile" Mercury said.

Before I could respond, footsteps were heard.

"Leave her alone" said two voices.

I looked where the voices were coming from and saw the Malachite twins. The twins began to fight, being the victors in the end.

"Tch, don't forget this moment, Y/N" said Mercury "We will go for you"

And they ran away. The twins came up to me and picked me up.

"Come on we'll take you back" they said.

Yang POV

Shit! F/N left and we don't know where she is.

We went back to Junior's bar but she wasn't there. In our patrol the twins helped us look for her. The twins texted us to go back to the bar and we did. When we arrived, F/N was there between the two girls. I went to hug her and cried on her shoulder.

"F/N... FUCK! Don't do this again!" I yelled.

"Okay" she replied as she hugged me back and snuggled.

When we got back to Beacon Professor Goodwitch scolded us all for coming back so late but it was worth it.

𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓐𝓷 𝓐𝓹𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓮Where stories live. Discover now