Chapter 6

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Ozpin POV

We already asked Ruby if she wanted to go to Beacon, she seemed very excited about the idea.

Although I keep thinking about those two, the skeleton in black clothes, Grimm Reaper, I did several business with him, and the girl with the skull apparently took in an apprentice, I don't think she's very strong, the only thing that interests me is the Grimm Reaper, the girl is not important, imagine everything we could do, he could revive students and hunters to keep fighting and he could take him on missions and he would complete it perfectly because he couldn't die, it would be perfect.

The police are already on a chase with them, no matter how much they hide, we will find them, it could make them target Beacon as punishment for killing Ironwood, and they also have that dragon, they are only missing the fourth member of their team.

Your POV

These cops don't get tired yet they're chasing us, we're far enough away to lose them.

Reaper shoved us into an alley just as we passed the corner, the police didn't see us, so we could be safe.

"I was thinking about letting us arrest" Reaper said suddenly.

"Wait, are you serious? We can't do that, we've already lost them and-"

"Yes, but for how long? Those policemen won't be calm until they arrest us" he interrupted me.

"Maybe... maybe you're right Reap, but if we succeed, we could get to our base"

"Y / N... the closest base is too far, we won't make it" he said, that discouraged me a bit, we won't know until we try "I remind you that I can see the future, Y / N"

'Well, I'm out of ideas, I guess we don't have a choice'

I got up and looked at Reaper, he looked back at me, I just made a sign to leave the alley, he stopped looking at me and got up. We left the alley, we saw several policemen inspecting the area, as soon as they saw us they pointed their weapons at us, I raised my arms, like Reaper, they arrested us and took us to... I'll be honest I don't know where we were They took us, before I knew it we were in an interrogation room. The door in front of us opened and was it an old man with a cup of coffee?

"Hi Ozm- I mean Ozpin" Reaper said, 'Do they know each other?'

"Hello" said Ozpin.

"I didn't expect to see you again. You know Oz, you caught me in the middle of a mission"

"Well yeah, too bad, you are not going to leave here, you know?" he took a sip of his coffee "So you decided to come back here, huh? Let me tell you, you chose the wrong side"

"There is no completely a right side and one completely wrong. And if we choose wrong, then you can correct us" Reaper raises his head and stares at Ozpin "Let's end this conversation at once, what do you want? Do you want to send us to prison? Kick us out of this universe?"

"No, actually, I was thinking about you joining Beacon, what do you think?"

"I honestly prefer to be kicked out of this univers-" I was interrupted by Reaper who had punched me to shut me up. 

"Okay Oz, we will choose that option"

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