Please don't leave me

283 11 31

Warning: A little violence (I think)

Leo's POV (Moments earlier)

I couldn't find the last item Teresa wants....well heck, I'm doomed. What is a romelofa anyways?

It's been an hour and I can't find that, I asked people and they just gave me a weird look and went on with their lives.

There was a big man looking at a jewelry store, he was wearing a beanie, a leather jacket, and some jeans, he looked a little weird but hey, this is New York, anything can happen here.

He was the only guy left so I decided to approach him, I touched his shoulder and said, "Excuse me, I'm looking for a thing name rom-"

My eyes widened in terror as I see the man's face, oh God, it's Teresa's friend.

"Oh hi Leo, long time no see eh?" He smirked.

I backed away, "S-Stay away f-from me."

"And why would I do that?" He said, still smirking, and started walking towards me.

"B-Because um," I looked at the corner of my eye and saw two officers,"SECURITY HELP!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The man looked slightly nervous as the officers approached us, "Is there a problem young man?"

"Yes! Umm, uh....This man was trying to steal the jewelry!" I told the officers.

They glared at the man, one of them asked, "Sir, I ask you to come with me please."

The man made a stupid move....

He punched the officer and ran.

"Let's go!!" One yelled, and they both ran after the man.

I went the other direction and saw an old lady in a chair, I shrugged, there's nothing to lose.

"Excuse me ma'am, do you know where I can find the romelofa?" I asked politely.

The old woman looked at me sweetly and said, "I'm sorry dear, but I don't think that exists."

"Oh um, ok thanks ma'am, have a good day."

She nodded her head, "Have a good day as well."

I found a public telephone and did a stupid move, probably as stupid as the man's move.....

I called Mrs. Teresa.

"Yes?" I heard a voice say. Teresa.

"U-Um, h-hi ma'am.." I stuttered, dang it, I hate to stutter.

"Ugh, it's you. What do you want now stupid brat?" She said coldly.

"I...I couldn't find the romelofa and um... that it doesn't exist?" I said.

"Leo? It's me Nico." I heard a voice in the distance say, my eyes widened.

Oh my God.....Nico. Our plan... shoot!

"I-Is that N-Nico? W-W-What?" I asked.

Teresa laughed, "Ah yes, the boy thinks you're here, what was it about? Oh right, your plan to escape from me."

"P-Please, don't hurt him. It-It was my idea! He didn't do anything!"

"I see you care about him, Leonidas, this will make it more fun. Gotta go, your little boyfriend is waiting." And she hung up.

I felt fear grow in me, fear like I never felt since my mom, I needed to go back.

I ran, I ran and ran, I didn't bother to wait for a bus, I just ran.

The beginning (Mortal AU Valdangelo)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt