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Nico's POV (Three years later)

'No, it can't be happening, I'm dreaming. Yeah is just a dream. I'm not leaving.'

We were on our way to Leo's and Aunt Esperanza's house... to say goodbye. "I'm sorry, mio caro. But you have to understand that we need to go back." Mamma tried to reason with me, "Remember that my company is in Italy and the workers are saying they need my help, which is very urgent. We just have money to go there and we don't have enough to come back. I don't want to leave either but there is no other choice"

Bianca started talking but I didn't hear her. I kept remembering Leo, when I saw him all alone in the park, him introducing me to his dog, his laugh, all his entrances to the classes, his jokes, our games, our birthday parties, our sleepovers, even our sad conversations. Why? Why does it have to end? I wouldn't see Leo again, my best friend. Is not fair, he's the only friend I have.

We arrived at their house and it started raining, great the sky wanted to be in my mood too. Mamma knocked on the door and Aunt Esperanza answered with a smile, "Hi Marie, kids, please come in! It looks like a storm is starting." 

"Thank you Esperanza," Mamma said, a grim expression on her face. Aunt Esperanza's smile started to disappear seeing our expressions.

 "What's wrong? Is everything ok?" She asked worriedly. "We need to tell you and Leo something." Mamma replied.

"Uh um, ok. ¡Mijo! ¡Baja, vinieron Maria, Bianca y Nico!" Then we heard a "¡Ya voy mamá!

Seconds later Leo ran downstairs with his famous grin on his face "Hey Aunt Maria, hey Bianca, hi Neeks!" 

As soon as I saw him I started crying and ran to hug him. "Neeks? What's wrong? What is it? Are you hurt?" Leo asked, worried. I just hugged him tighter and kept crying.

 "Maria? What happened? Is the reason Nico's like this the same you wanted to talk about?" Aunt Esperanza asked, more worried. 

Mamma sighs sadly, "Unfortunately Esperanza, yes. We have something to tell you." 

"What is it?" Leo asked, still worried as I was crying in his arms.

"We're going back to Italy." Mamma said. 

I started sobbing now still hugging Leo, now that he understood the reason I was like this, he started hugging back tighter. 

Esperanza gasped, and Leo asked, his voice trembling "W-what? Y-you're going b-back? N-no. No why?" I felt him start trembling, and I realized he was crying too. "Y-you didn't-didn't like it h-here? W-why?"

"Oh Leo... No, is not that we didn't like New York, we love it here but my company needs help in Italy and only have enough money to go there, we don't have enough to come back" Mamma explained. "We came here to say goodbye." 

Now Leo was full crying like me, we kept hugging each other, crying while our moms and Bianca said their goodbyes. When we finally stopped crying, Leo broke the hug and took my hand and said, "I-I'm gonna m-miss you Neeks" I got tears in my eyes again and said, "I-I'll miss y-you too, Lee-lee" I saw Leo get tears again.

After the goodbyes, the rain got lighter and Aunt Esperanza and Leo walked us to our car. Leo opened the back door and Bianca hop on muttering "Bye Leo", "Bye Bianca" Leo muttered back. 

Just as I was about to hop on, I stopped and hugged Leo and started crying softly, Leo hugged back "Is ok Neeks, we'll see each other again, someday, I promise." He said softly and broke the hug "Now go or you'll miss the plane" Then he smiles, but I knew him too well to see it was fake and he was holding back tears. 

"Goodbye Leo Valdez" I said, feeling like leaving half of me with him, "Goodbye, Nico Di Angelo" Leo said, giving one last hug.

I hop on the car, where mamma and Bi were waiting, and mamma started the car to make our way to the airport.

I looked at the window and waved at Leo, who was holding hands with Aunt Esperanza, he waved back.

As we went to the airport I started drawing in my journal a Leo gave to me on my 9th birthday and started drawing him, not wanting to forget.

Because maybe it'll be the last time I see him.


I hope you like this chapter, and sorry for the change of year, get used to that. I tried my best to make it sad but I'm not really good at it so I hope it was good. Thanks for reading! Bye!

-Susy_Valdez21 (821 words)


¡Mijo! ¡Baja, vinieron María, Bianca y Nico!- Son! Come down, María, Bianca, and Nico came!

Ya voy mamá!= Coming mom!

The beginning (Mortal AU Valdangelo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें