The accident part 1

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Leo's POV (Short, really short)

As soon as I couldn't see the car anymore I started crying my eyes out. Mamá just hugged me and told me sweet nothings, trying to calm me down. "Is ok mijo, we'll see them again, we just need to wait and see." Mamá said, but I just nodded still crying, "l-I'm gonna m-miss them m-mamá" I stutter, "I know mi cielo, I know."

I'll miss you Neeks....

Nico's POV

When we arrived at the airport I already finished doing all Leo's body, I just needed to draw his face, while I started to draw him, mamma was calling help with the suitcases.

I'm almost finish, I just need to draw his smile and that's it, I talked to myself

"Come on Nico! It's time to get in the plane!" I heard Bianca calling for me. I sigh sadly, I'm really gonna miss Leo, he's my only friend, and best friend, no one can replace him. I guess I'll just search for friends there, is not that hard, right?

We went inside the plane, took our seats, and just waited. Waited for the plane to start and leave half of myself here. Now I sound like a depressed guy, I thought, I bet Leo would say something like "Don't be sad Neeks, the Super-sized McShizzle will cheer you up!" And start saying jokes and other of his stupid things to make me cry but of laughter.....I'll miss him.

The plane took off, and everyone started doing their thing, Bianca was hearing music, mamma was taking a nap, and me... Well, I was supposed to draw Leo's smile but I don't have a pencil, the one I had got lost, I guess I'll take a nap too.

Half of the trip, something went wrong. The captain was saying to wear a lifejacket because the plane was having some problems and remained calm. I tried to look from the window and there was another plane coming towards us. Oh god! Why is no one moving?! We are going to crash!

"Is gonna be ok i miei figli , just stay calm and grab my hand" Mamma said, trying to keep calm herself. Bianca already did what mamma said, I started doing what she said too.

We stayed in the same position until we heard the captain "Ok people, stay calm, the other plane will move, for now we can't do anything because our controls are having a problem. I repeat stay calm, stay ca-"

We crashed, mamma and Bianca went flying backwards while I was stuck in the space between two seats, and it all went black.

When I woke up, I was on a hospital bed, and saw nurses watching me saying something, but I didn't understand, it was like they were underwater. And the darkness returned.

I woke up again, in the same bed, in a hospital room. Why was I here? What happened? As I tried to remember, a doctor came to me and sat down on a chair next to my bed. 

"Hi, I'm doctor James, I came here to check on you. Can you please tell me your name?" 

"Where am I? Where's mamma and Bi?" I asked, still disoriented. "You're in New Orleans' hospital, and can you please tell me your name, and the people you mentioned?" The doctor said. New Orleans? Weren't we going back to Italy? 

"I-uh, my name is Nico, Nico Di Angelo, I'm asking for Maria and Bianca Di Angelo they're my mom and sister. Where are they?" I answered

"Ok Nico, about that, you remember what happened?" The doctor asked, I slowly shook my head, all I remember that happened was entering the plane. "Well, the plane... you were transporting in, crashed"

 All the event came back "I remember now! Where mamma?! Bianca?! Are they ok?!" I asked, very worried. 

"Well Nico, you see.... Most of the passengers were severely injured, but some didn't make it. You're mom and sister, didn't make it."

The doctor kept talking but the news hit me like a garage door, my vision clouded, everything sounded so far away. Mamma, Bi. Why? Why did they leave me? No.... they can't leave, they're all I have. No... I thought. And just like that, my life was ruined. I lost my best friend and my family, on the same week. 

I started sobbing and screaming, screaming for my mother and sister, screaming at them to come back, to tell me it was all a nightmare, and that everything will be okay. But deep down... I knew it was real, it wasn't a nightmare, it was real. I kept sobbing, I'm not sure how long I stayed like that, but I didn't care, I didn't care about anything anymore. What's the point of caring? Whatever you care about, they'll take it away from you. So why care?

The next day, I didn't speak, eat or drink. I just stayed there on the hospital bed, feeling numb. Nurses came, doctors but I didn't care, not anymore.

One week passed, and I started getting suicidal thoughts, wanting to find a knife, anything sharp. But a memory kept stopping me, I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was a year ago, I remember it because it was special, more special than normally:

Leo and I were in the park, the same place we met, two years ago. We were in silence, just enjoying each other's company, I always like moments like this. But Leo broke the silence, I don't regret him doing it, asking "What if we get suicidal one day?" It was a very unexpected question, a little disturbing but with no reason to ask it. "Why do you think that Lee-lee?" I asked. "I'm not sure" he said, "I just have a weird feeling, so what if we get suicidal and we're not there for each other"

"Well, if that happens and we're not there for each other, then we'll have to remember that in any moment, we'll be there helping the other. If someday, which I hope not, you get suicidal, instead of hurting yourself or anything else, remember that I'll be there, even if it's not immediately. I promise"

"Thanks Neeks, I'll be there for you too, so if you get suicidal, remember our promise, ok?" 

"Of course. Pinky promise?" I asked, raising my pinky. "Pinky promise." Leo said, raising his.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter, I'm sorry for killing them but I think that without that happening, Nico wouldn't be the Nico we know. And I wanted to have the Nico we all know but less depressed of course. Thanks for reading!

-Susy_Valdez21 (1126 words)

mi cielo= my dear 

i miei figli= my children

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