I miss you Lee-lee

335 13 17

Nico's POV (Still 13 years old)

My day started with the beautiful sun, illuminating my room. I woke up with a smile on my face, and thank god for this wonderful new day.......

Seriously? Please tell me you didn't actually believe that.. Good, because it wasn't like that.

My day started with Hazel knocking loudly at my door, waking me up in the process, "Nico! Wake up! It's time for school!" She shouted, I groaned "But I'm homeschooled! Why do I have to wake up early?!" I shouted back, "Because it wouldn't be fun to let you sleep." She answered, and I know she had a smirk on her face. I just know it. I groaned again, "Fine! I'm awake! Happy?" "Very!" Then I heard soft footsteps, signaling she left to have breakfast.

Ugh, a new day of school I thought. No, it wasn't easier because Marie was teaching me. She was as strict as normal high school teachers, which is bad. So I'm suffering the same as you people.

(Skipped classes because they're boring)

After hell finished- oh I mean school. After school finished, Marie said she was gonna pick up Hazel, so she left the house. Leaving me here, waiting. I know, so boring.

I was at the living room, sitting on the couch waiting for Marie to come home with Hazel from school.

I wait for what feels like hours, when I hear some keys. They're here! I ran to the front door and as soon as Marie and Hazel entered I hugged them both. A year and a half of living with them I finally got comfortable and feeling happy, not like before of course but happy. I still miss mamma and Bi and my Lee-lee with all my heart but I have to accept I'll never see them again. Which breaks me.

"How was school Haze?" I asked, she smiled at me and told me her day. Piper, Jason, Frank, Annabeth and Percy were still in the school, which I was glad for because they're Hazel's best friends. After 20 of her talking she said something that catched my attention, "Then, at lunch, Percy came with the new boy. I think his name is Lion (Oh the Mr. D vibes.. I feel them) and he was super fun to talk too. You should hear his jokes! They're so funny!" Not as funny as Leo's I bet I thought "Although when I mentioned you and your nightmares-" "Hazel! I told you not to tell them that" I interrupted her.

"I didn't say details, I swear! I just said you have!" I sighed but I couldn't stay mad at her, "Ok fine, but no more than that, please" I said. "Ok!" She said, then continued, "Well after I said about your nightmares, Piper noticed that Lion winced in sympathy, so she asked him about it." I nodded, not really caring about this "Lion" guy. "Well he said that years ago his best friend died in an accident with his sister and mom. He didn't have any friends, just that boy. Lion loved that boy like he was his family so his death affected him" Now I feel bad, I understand losing someone you love "What happened next?" I asked, worried about that Lion, I know how hard it can be to talk about the death of loved ones, "Oh Nico they worst happened." I got more worried, "The poor boy started crying, he looked so sad. Just like you did when we first met you. He didn't realize he was crying until he touched his cheek and felt tears, and quickly excused himself and left." Oh god, poor Lion. "Did you follow him?" "Of course I did! I was so worried! Me and Piper left and followed him quietly, then we saw that he locked himself in the boy's bathroom. But we still heard him, he was sobbing, he sounded so.... broken like all his happiness was gone. I felt like crying myself, I wanted to cry just by remembering his cries. He must have really love his best friend"

I felt like crying too, I felt a lot of sympathy for him. Also, he reminded me of my Leo, how was he? Did he know I'm alive? Did he even know about the accident? Gods how much I missed him.

After Hazel told me the rest of her day, it was time for dinner. We ate, then after I finished, I excused myself and went to my room to do the homework Marie assigned me. You know... because I'm homeschooled, I don't want to socialize. Not anymore, not after Leo.

Hours later, I finally finished my homework. Then I lay in bed and start thinking about mamma, Bianca, and Leo. Mamma's smile, her smile, all her advice, her love and care. Bianca's games, hugs, smiles. Aunt Esperanza's food, jokes, and hugs. And Leo.. oh Leo.... I missed everything about him. His beautiful curly brown hair that even though it was never styled, he looked great. His gorgeous chocolate eyes, filled with warmth and joy, His adorable pointy ears, his jokes, even the most silly one made me laugh. And his smile, the most perfect smile I have ever seen. So happy and carefree, saying how much he cared for me.

I missed him so much. I couldn't hold the tears in my eyes anymore, so I let it out. I cried for a lot of time. From full sobbing to silent tears.

Leo made me feel full, like he was my other half. And now I could never see him again.

Every time I remember his heartbreaking expression when we came to his house to say goodbye destroys me.
I cried until I heard Hazel knocking, saying it was time for dinner. I got up from my bed, went to the bathroom that is connected to my room and washed my face. To make it look like I didn't cry so I won't have to worry about them that much.

I headed to the kitchen to eat, not showing any emotion. Not letting anyone in, only on occasions, that's it. I gave Hazel and Marie a small smile and started eating my food quickly to go back to my room.

After I finished, I went to my room, shut the door, turned the light out and laid down in bed. Waiting for my sleep to take over.

I miss you so much Lee-lee. I love you


Hey guys! I hope you like this! Maybe in the next chapter there will be a change of year I'm still not sure, but just letting you know so you don't get confused and prepare mentally (jk jk) Thanks for reading! See ya, bye!

Also I wanted to apologize for the terrible and cringy nickname Lee-lee is. I didn't think of anything else when I first wrote it.

-Susy_Valdez21 (1124 words)

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