Just the beginning

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I'm back!



His eyes filled with tears, "I love you Leo, you were the best thing that ever happened to me."

I hugged me and sobbed, "I love you too Nico, please don't leave me."

He hugged back, minutes later doctors came to take me away, and prepare Nico for surgery.

When they took him away, I let it all out. I sobbed and scream, cursing everyone who ruined my life, Nico's mom stupid business, those stupid kids that bullied me and Nico, that stupid fire, and stupid Teresa.

My eyes burned with pure hate, "Teresa..." I growled.


Leo's POV

I did it, I don't know why (ok I maybe know why), but I did it. I took my revenge.

My brain went to savage mode and I couldn't stop it.

Did I like it? I would be lying if I said that not even a little bit.

Do I regret? A little

Do you know what I'm talking about? Probably not, so I'll explain


I approached a nurse and asked, "Excuse me. Where can I find Teresa Wilkes' room?"

She frowned and said, "I'm sorry, but only family can visit her."

"I'm her foster child." I blurted.

She smiled, "Of course. Please follow me."

'Did she actually just belived me like that?' I thought, 'I mean, I wasn't lying but still.'

She led me to room 378, a room besides Nico's room. This made me angrier.

"Thank you." I said, after we arrived.

She said, "No problem." And left.

I walked towards Teresa, who was sleeping in the hospital bed.

Her blonde was a mess, it had stains of blood, hers or Nico's, I don't know.

She was wearing the patient's clothing and a blanket covered from her waist down.

She also had those things for you to breathe, which made me angry. She was here sleeping peacefully while Nico was in a surgery with doctors doing who know what and he could die.

With that anger, I approached her and kneeled on one knee to be closer.

"You took everything from me." I whispered at her ear, and grabbed the cable that was keeping her alive, "Now...I'll take everything from you."

I disconnected the cable and a machine started beeping fast.

I left the room hearing the sound of the machine signaling she was gone.

(End of flashback)

Now I'm here, in the waiting room, waiting.

My mind was in a debate.

You didn't have to kill her, you're basically a murder now.

She deserved it after taking it all from me.

That's no excuse for doing what you did. There are other ways to get rid of her.

How? By telling the police? They didn't believe me the first time, why would they believe me now?

You could have easily just run away.

I can't leave Nico, this was the only way. She deserved it, too.

Killing her made you just as good as her. What would mamá think?

It doesn't matter, she's gone. And so is Teresa, now leave me alone.

You can't just-

"Excuse me? Are you Leo Valdez?" A voice said, snapping me out of my mental debate.

I looked up and saw a doctor looking down at me.

"What was that?" I said, "I'm sorry, I was distracted."

He smiled at me, "It's fine. I was wondering if you are Leo Valdez."

I nodded, "I am."

"Great. Come with me please."

I nodded again, and stood up. I was really nervous. Have they found out of what I did? Oh my god, I'm going to jail. I'll be known as a murder and Nico would never love me again. He'll break up with me and find some hot blonde who is a doctor and looks like a surfer and they will get married and have many kids while I'll be rotting in a prision.

The doctor pulled me out of my though when he stopped in front of a room. My eyes widened, it was room 378.




I am going to jail and I'm going to die there. I gotta start writing my will.

"Ok, Mr. Valdez. I just wanted to make one thing clear." The doctor started to say.

"It was an accident!" I instantly said, "She was just there and I was angry and I disconnected by accident and I did tried to call someone but when I left it was-"

The doctor raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about? I was just trying to say that Nico Di Angelo is perfectly fine now. But he's still a little drugged because of the anesthesia."

I let out a sigh of relief and nodded. So he wasn't arresting me, nice.


We arrived and saw Nico resting on the bed, he turned his head and when he saw me his eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Leo! You came!" He said excitedly.

I chuckled, "Of course I came."

The doctor left us alone and I went to hug Nico, he happily hugged back.

"I thought I'll never see you again." He mumbled.

I smiled, "Never say never." I said.

He broke the hug and frowned, he looked genuinely confused. "But...you just did."

I laughed and kissed him. He was still confused but he kissed back.

"I missed you so much, Nico." I said

He giggled, "It just passed like 6 hours but I missed you too."

We cuddled and chatted for a while, until the doctor told me that the visit time was over. I gave him a goodbye kiss and left the room, hoping that the worst already passed.

But little did I know, it was just the beginning.


Hi! I know is a short chapter but I really don't know how to end this. I hope you liked it! Thank you for reading! Bye!

-Susy_Valdez21 (972 words)

The beginning (Mortal AU Valdangelo)Where stories live. Discover now