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I wake up to the sound of chatter outside my tent. I get up and open it see every single person up and saying goodbye to there friends. Some are arranging to meet. Amongst the crowd I see Charles staring right at me frowning ... he looks ill, probably because he hasn't take his medication.
I head over to him and stand beside him, he tells everyone to be quiet and he gives a speech.

"Everyone, thank you ok ... erm well I just want to say that this ... this isn't the end of Charles Xavier's school for Gifted Youngsters, I will once this is done bring you back to the school and give the education you signed up for, I keep my word to you! We will find Erik and bring back ourselves to justice ... with the help of a few of our older students Jean, Scott, Kurt and Peter and our teachers Logan, Ororo, Hank and Aria, we will end this once and for all but for this I need you all to go home, don't answer the Door to anyone ... I mean everyone even if it looks like one of us I wouldn't go around your houses one at a time to collect you, I would use my mutation! Remember my warning everyone ... keep safe!" He ends as everyone claps leaving the fall.

We walk part way with them all to the car park where around 50 cars are waiting to pick them all up. The students who's parents don't want them are going to stay with friends. Parents Hug there children while they greet there friends.
I stand beside Charles and hold is hand. Although as we are about to turn away everyone turns towards me and claps there hands cheering me on with "THANK YOU SHADOW" and "WE BELIEVE IN YOU" and "YOUR OUR IDOL, WE TRUST YOU". shit, they all planned this haven't they. I feel sick and Charles knows it.
I look at him and his eyes widen. Shit ... FUCK. My head is pounding ... there's no colour ... I feel everyone's emotions.
Before I know it, I'm running towards the water fall crying.
"ARIA WAIT" I hear Charles shout from behind me. I hear fast footsteps behind me ... probably Peter no other mutant can run that quick

"Aria Wait" He says zooming in front of me.

We are right beside the water fall now and the colour is still gone. I can see Peter freaking out trying to hold me back so Charles and Hank can get here.
"Aria please your like a sister to me ... so please stay calm" Peter says smiling at me.

"STOP" I scream in that High pitched voice I have.

I can't stop him. Peter goes flying into the water. Just as my eyes start to regain its colour vision. I see Peter drowning. Shit. I go to save him but Logan has the same idea. Is it at the edge of the water watching Logan pull Peter out of the water. He seems ok but as I go to approach him Peter backs of and says "fuck of!" He scrambles away from me and sighs.
I mess everything up ... this is just great. Mostly everyone runs to Peter but Charles comes to me and rubs my back. We can both hear Peter saying stuff like "it hurt so much, I thought my back broke probably just bruised" and "fuck sake I could have died, she need to learn how to control herself". Charles throws him a deathly look as if to say "watch your mouth cunt".
The sky is starting to cloud over but out of the midst I see a person in gold and red flying about ... hmm weird?
I don't remember much as I fall asleep although I feel an arrow hit my arm and as I look at Charles I see him looking as his leg which also has an arrow in it.


OK SO. say the avengers had been in the 1960s and 70s ok?
Well same people just a different era. The characters still look the same such as Chris Hemsworth is still Thor and RDJ is still Iron Man/Tony Stark. Ok?
Well that's the kinda way I'm going for ... um yeah it's gonna be an X-Men and Avengers cross over and It is all set before tony, Nat, Loki died so Aria gets to meet Mr Loki 😏.

SEE YA - M :)

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