
23 1 0

Waiting for the news of how Erik is, is killing us all. Raven isn't happy at all and keeps crying, Logan is telling pupils classes are of and meals will be sent to rooms. But Charles is trying to get me through it, the night I after the accident I couldn't get to sleep because of the nightmares, so Charles put all worries out my mind.
Today Charles and I are going to be helping my mutation, we are trying to make my powers so that I can do good emotions as-well, Charles says my mutation might not be fully developed just yet.

"Ok are you ready, I want you to concentrate on me, make me feel the way you felt in the happiest moment of your life" He says moving backwards in his wheelchair.

I focus hard, when was my happiest moment? I know ... but ... yeah. It was when I cam here to this school and met Charles and Raven. I concentrate on that and I feel myself smiling a little.

I close my eyes and click my fingers, when I open my eyes Charles has no longer got a serious face on he looks somehow at the same time, happy and sad.

He laughs a little bit and claps his hands.

"I feel happy!" He says making his way towards me. I sit beside him and kiss his cheek.

"Wait no ... it's wearing of, what are you thinking?" He asks me.

"Can the hospital find out if we are mutants?" I ask, I feel sick to the stomach as Charles thinks for a minute.

"Probably not ... there is a possibility but ... no never mind, probably not"he says taking my hand.

I nod. As we make our way to our room and sit and listen to music. He finishes reading me Atonement. I cry it's sad how Robbie died and then Cecilia had to die ... but at least they are together again.

We sit in silence until we get a call from the hospital.

Charles picks it up and he nods a few times saying "I see" and "of course" and information about Erik.

He sets the phone down and smiles at me.

"There is no long lasting damage, he can come home in 3 days but we are allowed to visit him if you want?" He asks, obviously Raven hears because she is running down the stairs with Andy, they both have jackets on and Andy is holding the keys to the car.

"Ok let's go" I say, we get to the car and we tell Logan to keep an eye on things.


As we see the hospital I get scared. Will Erik be mad at me? I hope not because he didn't have to push me out of the way ... I mean I am grateful but still ... the car was metal he could have pushed it out of the way.

We get out of the car and we sign in at the hospital.

"Hi um we are here to see Erik Lensherr, he was in an accident yesterday" Raven says running to the desk.

"First door on your left dear"the receptionist says smiling at is all.

"Hang on what relation do you have to him?" She asks me and Charles.

"I'm his little sister and this is my boyfriend" I say smiling at her.

"Ok again first door on the left" she says pointing.

We head down the hall and see Raven and Andy already in the room beside Erik. Charles try's to take me in but I just stand there feeling scared.
I sit down lying against the wall, Charles sits beside me and takes my hand.

"It's ok, he's still Erik you can do it"he says lifting my chin up, he takes my hand and enters first.

"Hey old friend" Charles says.

"Hello Charles" Erik says silently.

He looks at me and I can see the stitches along his cheek, there is still some dried up blood on his face and it's really bruised.

"Hi Erik" I say sitting beside him.

"Hey you alright?" He asks.

I nod and he nods as-well, him and Raven talk for a while, I can feel Charles inside my mind trying to calm me down.

"Raven, Andy would you please leave me and Charles alone for a minute" Erik says.

They both leave and me, Charles and Erik sit in silence for a minute or two while Erik keeps looking at me.

"Your wondering why I saved you ... I saved you because that's what any normal person would have done" Erik says finally cutting the silence.

"The car was metal, you control metal" I say shrugging.

He sighs "Aria, I might not have been great around you recently but your like a daughter to me, you remind me of my little cousin who I was like a father to, she was killed ... I trust you and to be honest I didn't think about moving the car because I panicked, Charles tried to slow the car down, you should have seen him screaming" Erik says trying to get up but I push him back down.

"Really?" I ask looking at Charles and Erik.

They both nod and look at each other before frowning and looking away.

"Well we have had a break through, I managed to make Charles feel happy with my mutation the other day" I say which makes Erik smile.

"Fantastic well done kid" he says patting my back.

Raven and Andy come back in and talk with Erik while me and Charles go to a cafe near by. I order a cup of coffee and a scone, while Charles orders tea and a cookie.
We sit eating in silence only looking at each other ever so often, Charles keeps going to say something but then backs of.

"Something on your mind my love?" He finally asks me.

"Take a look for yourself" I say smirking at him.

I think about more stuff Charles doesn't know about me. I think about my friends throwing themselves of a bridge back home, there screams as they fell, my eyes black, my face pale. I think about everyone being terrified of me after that, I had to be pulled out of school. Matt and mam hid be from the world has much as they could, the only real friend I had was Andy. But now I have these guys, everyone at the school ... they have helped me as much as they can, but what if this isn't right? Maybe Erik is right, maybe we do need freedom.

"Don't think that" Charles suddenly says. Fuck I forgot he was reading my mind, I thought about to much ... way to much.

"Charles ... I'm sorry" I say taking his hand.

He nods but I can tell he is pretty pissed of. We go and see Erik again. Charles is acting worse around him after what I thought.
We head back to the School where me and Charles go to our room. I jump in the shower getting more and more pissed of at Charles for not taking my apology.

"I'm going to sleep without dinner" I say getting into bed.

"You need to eat, your so skinny" Charles says sitting beside me, he rubs my back and I shrug him of.

"I accept your apology and the thing is ... I trust you not to go with Erik, you should obviously think about it first ok?" He whispers in my ear.

I nod and turn to look at him, he smiles at me. That smile with those eyes and that hair ... jeez, handsome man!

I smile back at him, he strokes my cheek and kisses me, he takes my hand and we go to dinner.

I sit with Charles and only Charles I can't be pissed talking to Raven or Andy although Andy try's to come talk to me but I ignore him and talk to Charles. A lot of the pupils keep looking over at us and whispering.

"Hey professor, hey Shadow" jean says walking past with her boyfriend Scott.

"Hi" I say quietly.

Me and Charles make ur way back to our room because his legs are getting sore. He lies in bed looking up at the wall while I am lying with my stomach against his chest. He strokes my hair.

"I'm not going to let anything harm you, ever" I hear him say before I fall asleep.

Thanks for reading this one, yes this one is little longer, so anyway um see ya I guesssss - M :)

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