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I wake up from the best nights sleep I have ever had. I see clothes sitting in the chair beside me with a note saying 'come down to base'.

I look at the outfit which looks like a clown suit, it's blue and yellow with a black belt which has an 'X' as the belt buckle. I tie my hair into a bun and run down to the base where I see everyone is waiting for me. Charles looks guilty when I enter.

"Morning thank your joining us" Erik says.

Everyone is wearing the same thing. Erik explains that today we are going to be showing of our powers on each other which makes me feel sick.

I have to work with Charles which is just great! He stands across from me and he tells me to focus. I feel myself wanting to make him feel confused, I don't know why. I close my eyes and click my finger when I look back up his face is in confusion and he looks at me raising his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry how did I get to the base so quick?" He says.

Everyone has stopped and is watching us now. I close my eyes and make him feel guilty, when I open them and he is standing there looking awkward, he smiles small at me and walks over to me.

"I'm sorry about yesterday Aria" he says patting my back.

I click my fingers one more time making him go back to normal.

"Amazing ... absolutely amazing!" He says walking over to me and hugging me.

"That's awesome well done!" Jennifer says.

After around 20 minutes more of training we go for showers  and get into normal clothes. I get breakfast with Andy.

I walk around the school and watch some of the classes through the doorway. I see a boy that can freeze stuff, I see a a girl that can walk through walls.
I bump into a tall well built man, with hair shaped a little like wolf ears.

"Sorry kid" he says squeezing past me.

"Are you Logan? Charles told me about you" I ask him.

"Well... one it's Professor Xavier to you and yes that's me" He says.

"I'm not a pupil I'm part of the group now" I say shrugging my shoulders.

He smiles and says goodbye to me. I watch A Storm from my bedroom window when I hear a knock at the door.

"Hey, can we talk" Charles says standing at the door looking guilty.

His hair falls to the start of his shoulders and the way he dresses is so classy at times, other times he just wears whatever he can find.

"Mhm" I say asking him in.

He sits down on the seat as I sit on my bed, he looks at me for a minute, and keeps going to talk but then stops himself.

"Well eh ... I am sorry about yesterday, I was just curious" He begins. "Your brother let me read his mind, nothing much bad ... I'm not going to force you but at some point I might just enter your mind without asking" he finishes.

I nod my head and stand up "keep out of my head, it's messed up" I say opening the door and shoving him out.

I sit on my bed for a minute remembering what's happened in the past, ex boyfriends, friends, family ... I lost them all ... because of my fucking mutation.

I hear footsteps at my door and I open it to see a girl my age standing looking  at me. She has red hair and green eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to read your mind" she says.

"Are you related to Charles?" I ask her which makes her laugh.

"No, they call me Jean a.k.a the Dark Phoenix ... your Aria ... Raven was telling me about you" she says.

I nod and see the books in her hand "can you show me to the library?" I ask. She nods.

As we walk to the library i talk to Jean.

"I saw some weird stuff in your head" she says looking a little awkward.

"Mhm?" I say panicking a little bit.

"You need help ... I'm not being funny ... you should talk to The professor" she says pointing to the library.

"Please..." she says smiling a little bit.

How much did she see? Was it the bad stuff or the really bad stuff. I sit down in the library reading Atonement and I see Erik walk in and he talks to Raven about something, I hear raven say "you can't ... you just can't leave us now Erik, Charles would be broken yet again" she says.

"I know, it's what I want and need, he isn't the same Charles ... he only uses some of his medication now so that he can still have his mutation but his legs still ache, and he doesn't seem right since the new girl got here" Erik says.

I cough as to say 'the new girl heard that'. Erik looks and me and tenses his jaw, he frowns at me and walks away, I smile at Raven but she only smiles a little at me and walks away.

What did I do? I check out the book and run of to find Peter, he promised to help me train. When I see him he takes me in a run sometimes running on quickly to make me feel slow.

"Well some maybe In a few more days you might want to race again?" He asks me handing me some water.

I nod, it was great fun. I go back to my room and shower, I sit and read more of Atonement.

"Can I come In?" I hear Charles says entering the room, "my mother used to read me that book at night, it's one of my favourites" he says.

He takes the book and reads out one of the pages.

"Dearest Cecilia, the story can resume. The one I had been panning in that evening walk. I can become again the man that once crossed the Surrey park at dusk, in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life. The man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library. The story can resume. I will return. Find you, love you, marry you, and live without shame." He ends. He said it with shush passion I can feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Thank you" I say to him taking the book back.

He watches me for a minute.

"Charles ... read my mind but not all of it" I say closing my eyes.

I can feel him inside my head shifting around my memories.

A memory flashes before my eyes of myself being hit by a car at 8 years old, me nearly drowning at 12, being in an accident at 18 and the worst one my 2 friends throwing themselves of a bridge in front of me ... they did it because I accidentally shifted there moods ... Andy tried to stop them but ... it didn't work.

I open my eyes and see Charles as pale as a ghost.

"Aria I am so sorry" he sees the tear run down my face. He takes my hand.

"It will be ok your safe here" he says hugging me. I hug him back and can feel myself with more butterfly's.

"Thank you" I say as he leaves.

Thanks for reading this ... does Aria have some good feelings for Charles? I thought I would add a little bit of Atonement quote in here because James Mcavoys favourite book is Atonement and he was in the movie Atonement at Robbie! Have a good day/night - M :)

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