Crazy thing called love.

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As the week passes Erik and Charles friendship grows weaker and weaker. Me and Andy go into town to buy more clothes and stuff.
I help Charles with finding new mutants most days, Peter and I go out for more runs and Erik is really not talking to anyone.
I sit in my room eating lunch with Raven, Charles and Logan come to the door and join us. They sit down and we watch the rain drip down on the window. Andy comes and sits with us as-well. We sit in silence for a while not doing anything. Charles keeps looking at me and Raven notices and bursts out laughing. She shivers something to Logan which makes him laugh and then whispers to Andy which makes him laugh.

I can tell Charles is reading there minds and his face suddenly blushes a little bit, although and chuckles a little.

"What's so funny?" I ask feeling left out.

"Honey ... Charles has the love for ya" Raven says patting my back.

"Raven!" Charles says scowling at her, she sticks her tongue out at him.

"Charles I heard Erik talking about something being wrong with your legs one day" I say curiously.

He sighs and rubs his legs, he looks at Raven and Logan who leave the room with Andy and Peter.

"I lost the feelings in my legs about two years ago after being shot in the lower back, we were in a beach trying to stop nuclear weapons exploding and the bullet was supposed to hit Erik he dodged it and it hit me ... did have a wheelchair but I can't sleep at night because of the pain, I can live the same, Hank made me a cure which gave me my legs back meaning I had to forfeit my Mutation ... after a long time of thinking and help from friends I decided to ... cut down on my medication, I have to inject about every hour instead of every five hours now, it's really bad" he says stopping every so often to see if I get it.

"Oh Charles I'm sorry, I didn't realise, but isn't there a way to get through it and use your wheelchair" I ask him.

"I don't know, I'm scared" he says which makes me smirk a little.

"Charles Xavier is scared of using a wheelchair?" I ask him giggling a little bit.

"No, I'm scared of the pain" he says, I can see the blue in his eyes shine bright as he try's to smile.

"I can help, not with my mutation but just in general" I say to him taking his hand in both of mine.

"Really?" He asks.

"Y... yes!" I say standing up.

"Thank you, come on" He says taking my hand and leading me to his study.

He opens the closet when we get there showing a wheel chair, I smile.

We sit around for a little while waiting for his medication to wear of.

"So this is how it's going to work, everyday we will cut down your medication to be only a doses a day, so eventually you will only hopefully need one dose a day and then in the future maybe none" I say.

He nods, I see his face grow pale as the medication is now gone, he starts to shake, I feel awful seeing him like this.

"Come one Charles you'll be just fine" i say to him taking his hand.

"Fuck!" He scream clenching onto his knees.

I hear people outside chatting and a few knocks on the door with people saying "professor are you alright?" And "professor is that you?" And "professor can we help?". I look at him and see him shaking so much, growing so pale, he clenches his jaw and his hair is in an absolute mess.

"Professor open the door it's Hank!" I hear Hank say.

"Come in but don't let the kids see!" I shout to him.

He runs in looking at Charles and then looking at me, he takes out a flask and injects it into Charles's arm. I can instantly see Charles grow angry at Hank.

"Why Hank!" He says standing up.

"Charles you were scaring the children"

"I heard there thoughts! I heard every one of them! It wasn't bad! They felt happy and sad I suddenly knew I can help them, with the help of Aria ... she is helping me ... and I have an idea Aria" he says standing up still shaking a little bit.

I take his hand and sit him on the couch, he asks Hank to leave and he does.

"Aria I may have a way to make you control all emotions and thoughts of a human, not to communicate with them through mind like me, but to know what people are thinking ... it might not work but who knows hmm?" Charles says.

He looks at me for a while.

"Charles do you actually like me?" I ask sitting beside him.

He chuckles a little bit "aha um yes I guess I do" he says still chuckling.

"Ok anyway ... I think I would like to try out what you said about knowing peoples thoughts it would really help because then I know why to make people feel different emotions, and if I knew every emotion I could like say one day look into the mind of one the pupils and be like there sad, so I would be like now your hap... Charles are you listening?" I end when I see he is laughing his head of at me.

He pulls my head in and kisses me making get butterfly's, it's soft and passionate, I kiss him back but not for long, I pull away and look at him.

"Sorry" He says.

" nothing to be sorry about Charles dear" I say giggling a little.

"Your laugh is adorable" he says.

"Your adorable" I say back to him. He pushes a bit of hair out of my face staring right into my eyes.

"Oh get a room you two!" I hear Raven say behind me.

"How long have you been there?" I ask her.

"Since that very cute kiss of yours, anyway Charles um Logan needs your help with something.

Charles nods and gets up slowly. He kisses me on the cheek.

"I'll see you later my love" He says.

Okie ... so um next part is gonna be about the different X-men guys in a relationship i don't even know why just bored ya know - M :)

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