Why did i do it?

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5 weeks later.

Nothing has happened in the last few weeks, it's been boring as hell. I have helped Charles with his medication although he is only down to around 11 injections a day, which used to be around 19 or 22 a day. I know a lot but his pain is awful.

I keep thinking about a lot of stuff while sitting in my room with with Charles as he reads me some books, me and him have been dating for a while.

"Are you alright?" He asks taking my hand.

"Oh yeah just um thinking about stuff" I say to him.

"You know when I met your mother I thought she looked nothing like you, see you adopted?" He asks.

I hesitate ... I want to say yes.

"No" I say silently.

"Tell me the truth" he says.

"Charles, I did something so awful your right she isn't my mum ... just like Matt isn't my dad, I eh ... I ... i can't say" I say quickly feeling all sad.

"You can tell me anything" he says hugging me.

"Ok, I ... eh ... killed my mum ... and my baby sister Cleo" I say starting to cry.

I can feel Charles's heart slow down a little bit, I look at him and see he is pale but smiling a little.

"It's ok ... but why?" He asks.

"Because ... mum cheated on my dad, beat up Cleo and told Andy that it was his fault dad ran away, she made dad leave" I say.

"What did you do?" He asks me rubbing my back.

"I ... I killed Cleo by throwing her into the pool, I said i didn't mean I and I didn't get in trouble, I made my mum think it was her fault and she stabbed herself right in front of me, Andy was so scared of me ... but he forgave me the day after once he knew I was sorry, Charles why did I do it?" I say nuzzling into him crying.

"It's alright my love ... Shh it's alright" he strokes my hair and try's to calm me down a little bit.

We go down for dinner, Erik comes down for dinner sometimes, he is down tonight sitting across from me.

"So Erik how are things?" I ask him.

"Meh" He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Ok, well you should come eat with us more we enjoy your company" I say smiling as nice as I can at him.

"Sure" He says finishing his meal and leaving.

I look at Charles who is sitting holding my hand in his wheelchair, he keeps massaging his legs and sometimes he shakes a lot or gets streaks of pain running through his nerves. Hank is till pretty annoyed he isn't using as much medication.

"So Hank what's up" I say just trying to make conversation.

"Nothing much ... you?" He asks me.

"Usually just sitting with Charles you know, he likes to read me books and switch on a record at times" I say which makes Hank smirk a little.

He leaves and Andy comes and sits with us. He looks at me and shakes his head laughing.

"Hey Charles ... how's your legs?" Raven says sitting beside me.

"Uh yeah there doing alright I get some bits of pain at times, it's worth it" He says looking at me smiling.

"You two seriously get a room" Jean says passing.

I finish dinner and start heading to my room without Charles. I pass Erik on the way there he is looking at a metal helmet in his hands, Charles told me about it, it stops Charles from getting into Eriks mind.

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