Shadow and Light.

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"It's the greatest gift we have; to bear their pain without breaking - Charles Xavier.

As I sit reading a a Thesis by one a one Charles Xavier staring that mutants are the apparent greater species I laugh a little ... what if we are?

"Aria ... What did you do with my car keys!" I hear my brother Andy scream from downstairs in his annoying voice.

"I didn't touch them ask Matt!" I scream down at him.

Matt is out step dad he is such a jerk always buying stuff for Andy but never me or mum. Our dad ran away after he found out that my brother is a mutant, he doesn't know I'm a mutant though.
My brother has the power to control your feelings about only ones that are happy such as proud, fun, excited and charismatic but me on the other hand I can make you u feel bad feeling such as anxiety, depression, guilt and suicidal thoughts ... not good I know.

"Found em" I hear Andy say as he enters my room.

He's only 3 years older than me but we don't look hellishly like each other. We are good friends as-well has siblings, always there for me when I need him. He sits beside me and looks at the Thesis.

"This is probably your eighth time reading this you know" he says laughing.

"Mhm because it's good" I say.

Andy is 24 and stills lives at home because his job is only two streets away, plus his girlfriend kicked him out, that makes me 21 ... I have a baby face though.

"Your so nerdy how can you even understand this stuff hmm?" He says pointing to different words.

"Because I payed attention in biology and English" I say wrinkling my nose up at him and making a funny face.

He laughs, "come on let's go see a movie" he says taking my hand.

"What one?"

"I don't know" he says which makes me laugh ... he is always in a good mood.

We get to the cinema and end up going to watch one of the Grinch, it's not even Christmas yet. We sit down and get comfy when a two men stand beside us. One is tall, wearing a turtle neck and has gelled hair the other is shorter, wearing a sweater and has sort of long hair.

"Excuse me can we just squeeze past" the shorter man say.

"Oh yeah sure" me and Andy say standing up.

The shorter one is sitting beside me and keeps glancing side ways, he has two finger on the side of his temple while the taller one just sits there looking tired, I recognise the short one but I don't know where from?

"Extraordinary" the short one says.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask confused.

"Oh my bad ... I'm Charles Xavier this is Erik ... your siblings with to mutations that are so different yet so alike" Charles says shaking our hands.

"Ch ... Charles Xavier ... as In the man who wrote the Thesis about mutants and man kind?" I say mixing up my words.

He nods laughing and Erik just shakes his head and says "typical". Charles looks at him and just laughs again.

"At least he didn't say your mutation is 'groovy' he used to play that one all the time" Erik says eating some popcorn.

"Yes well that was the old me ... Aria and Andy I have a proposition for you both" Charles says smiling at me.

"What kind?" My brother says raising his eyebrows.

"I am the founder of Xavier's school for the the gifted youngsters... of course neither of you are young enough to be a pupil but there is another something we like to call the X-Men ... it's not sexist ... it just has a nice ring to it" Charles says with a excited but sorry look.

I look at Andy and think for a minute. 'If we go there then there is a chance we could die ... on the other hand it would mean not seeing Matt for a while'.

"Don't worry Matt won't be able to see you" I hear Charles say. I look at him with a confused face and Erik laughs while Andy is looking like he is so confused.

"I can read minds ... Erik here can control metal"Charles says laughing a little.

"Oh" I hear Andy say.

We both think for a while and Andy keeps pulling funny faces while thinking. After a minute or so I turn around and smile at Charles.

"Ok I'll do it ... do we live there?" I ask him.

He nods and shakes my hand, I turn to Andy and take his hand he looks at me frowning.

"Fine" He moans.

I hug him and we all run out the back to the house where Charles and Erik tell Matt and mum everything, me and Andy pack our bags ... I feel bad having to say goodbye to our pet pug Rolo ... I'm going to miss him.

"Right I'll take your bags, you head to the car and make yourself comfy" Charles says taking my bag.

I say goodbye to Matt and mum she keeps asking me if I have everything and I just keep replying with "Yes mum" she starts crying and calls me "a big brave girl". Matt is all's crying and says "I ain't hugging ya" wiping his eyes and going in the house. I go to the car and sit at the back behind Charles. Erik is driving.

We pass hills and valleys, it's around 3 o'clock and we stop for a break.

"Are you alright?"Charles asks sitting beside me.

"Mhm just tired" I say to him.

He obviously notices the tear I wipe away quickly. He looks at me and takes my hand, I look at him and he smiles warmly.

"Do you mind if I read your mind?" He asks me which makes my heart drop, i feel sick.

"No you may not!" I say running of to find Andy, I don't tell him what happened.

He can't read my mind because it's hard enough for me have experienced stuff like that, I know that at some point I'm going to have to let him but I only met him a few hours ago. As we get back in the car he sends a message to my mind saying 'sometimes I read minds without meaning to' he looks at me in the mirror and just open my book and read it.

We get to a huge mansion by 4 30, a few men come on out and take my bags in for me, only me they tell Andy straight to his face 'you can take your own'. One of the men is tall, wearing glasses and a lab coat he introduces himself as Hank, he shows me his mutation which is really cool, he can turn into a blue beast sort of thing and can hang upside down. The other is a man around me and Andy age he can run really really fast he says his name is Peter also known as Quicksilver.

"I'll call you Shadow because you make bad feelings and you light because you make good feelings" Peter says which makes me giggle a little.

"Ok sure peter"

Charles shows me around the school and then around the X-men base, it's huge he shows me a machine called Cerebro which he says helps him connect with million of mutants and even humans if he wants to.

He shows me to my room where I unpack and then go for dinner.
A girl about my age shouts me over she is really pretty with blonde hair.

"Hi I'm Raven ... I'm Charles's sort of adopted sister type thing" she says.

She shows me her power which is that she can take form of anyone and can manipulate there voice, when she doesn't look human she is blue with red hair.
She's great fun and her room is across from mine, beside me is Andy and on the other side is Charles.
I think I'm going to like it here.

Hello ... um this was boring wasn't it ... what does Aria not want Charles to see? Find out soon - M :)

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