He accidently hits you-Michael

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You and Michael were backstage listening to One Direction perform. You were both dancing around and acting crazy, singing along to the songs. You were jumping around and so was Michael. Michael raised his arms up and didn't realise you were so close to him. As he lifted his arms his hand connected with your face and you fell down. Michael instantly stopped dancing and knelt down beside you "I am so sorry I didn't mean too, I swear it was an accident you have to believe me. I'd never hit you on purpose I'm so, so, so sorry" he said blabbering on. "It's okay Michael" you soothed "I know it was an accident, it was my fault really I know you're a bad dancer I should have kept a distance between us" you giggled. "God I'm so sorry" he said kissing the red mark on your face. He picked you up so you were back on your feet and bear hugged you "Michael I can't breathe" you giggled "god I keep hurting you" he sighed placing his hands over his face. You pulled his hands away "stop being silly you dork, it's okay" you smiled and kissed him. Next time the two of you had a dance party you made sure there was a large gap between you. He danced on one side of the room and you danced on the other.

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