Amneisa Lyrics.

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Ashton: 'I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted
I thought about our last kiss, how it felt the way you tasted'
It had been a month since you and Ashton had broken up, you were sick of hate you were getting from fans and couldn't take it anymore so you both decided to amicably split. But really neither one of you were happy about it, you loved each other but you know how the saying goes 'if you love something set it free' so that's what you did. Ashton took it really hard, he couldn't get you off of his mind and always avoided your name in interviews that eventually those questions just stopped being asked. He always went to the places that the two of you went too, he still wanted to be close to you but every time he went there he just felt more distant and he hated it. He couldn't forget about your kiss, or how much he loved you, you were always on his mind.
Calum: 'I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face.
You and Calum had gotten into a huge fight after a picture emerged of him kissing a fan on the lips "it's not what you think, she tricked me like she tricked Ashton" he said trying to make you understand the situation "I don't know what to believe Calum" you cried. Calum shook his head looking into your Y/C eyes. "Don't you trust me?" he asked. You nodded "of course I trust you it's the fans I don't trust, they seem to be trying to split us up" you said. "I hate them" you said to him and he wouldn't look at you "they got me where I am, I could never hate them and I don't know if I can be with anyone who hates my fans" he said. You cried even more, your mascara began running down your face "then maybe we shouldn't be together" you said. You grabbed your bag from Calum's bunk "I'm leaving" you said. From that moment he has never forgot how the makeup ran down your face, or forgotten the words 'I'm leaving'.
Luke: 'The pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone
I'll admit I like to see them, I'll admit I feel alone.'
You and Luke had been dating for two years and recently you had split up, you couldn't handle the long distance relationship any longer. You tried to make it work but it just wasn't working anymore. You tried to remain friends but that didn't work either. After the two of you lost contact Luke had been depressed, he constantly stared at the photos of you that were still in his phone. All he could think about was the loneliness in his heart and how much he missed you. It was hard for him to see the photos but his blue eyes just wouldn't look away from your bright eyes and bright smile. He loved you, and he missed you. He just wanted you back in his arms but he knew he'd probably never get that back.
Michael:'It hurts to know you're happy, yeah, it hurts that you've moved on
It's hard to hear your name when I haven't seen you in so long.'
You and Michael had broken up after three months of dating, and now you were dating a new guy and Michael had found out and he was crushed about it. He still loved you and missed you more and more each day. It crushed him inside knowing you'd moved on and were happy with someone else, because he honestly believed he could never be happy again...Let alone with anyone other than you. "So Michael it seems Y/N has a new boyfriend, how do you feel about that?" the interviewer asked. Michael looked down hurt, it killed him hearing your name he just wanted you in his arms "Michael doesn't have to answer that, not to be rude or anything but we are here to talk about our tour not our personal lives" Ashton said "yeah it's something he needs to deal with on his own without having to talk about it every five minutes" Luke agreed. Calum placed his arm around Michael's shoulder "we got your back mate" he said. Michael half smiled "thanks guys" he said before turning his attention to the interviewer "so yeah our tours going to be awesome, were going to rock out" Michael said quickly changing the subject.

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