Gymnastics Mishap-Ashton

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You were a gymnast and today Ashton decided to tag along to the gym to watch you practice. You didn't mind, you were glad he was interested in what you did. Once at the gym you stretched making sure your muscles weren't tight, because if they were tight you'd end up injuring yourself. You started with some tumbling. You did some cartwheels, followed by some backhand springs, and then ended with a split. Once you finished Ashton clapped and cheered like it was a competition which caused you to giggle. You then went to the balance beam and practiced some of your routine, only the parts you were confident on since your couch wasn't there to help you. Once you finished again Ashton clapped and cheered. "Can you teach me that flippy thingy you did" Ashton asked, not getting the gymnastic term right which made you giggled. "A backhand spring sure" you smiled. You did a demonstration, and spotted him whilst he practiced it. "I wanna try on my own" he said. He did the backhand spring, it would have been perfect if he hadn't kicked you in the head and made you pass out. Your eyes fluttered open and saw Ashton's worried look. He picked you up and took you to the hospital to get you checked out and the doctors told you to rest. Ashton took you home and made you lay down on the couch whilst he waited on you hand and foot.

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