You Feel Insecure - Ashton Irwin Imagine

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Your boyfriend had invited you to a party, but not just any was going to be a pool at this party. Pool parties have never been your thing, ever. You hated the idea of being around a ton of people in your bathing suit while there were other people in their bathing suits that looked way better than you. Ash had invited a few of his friends that you weren't really familiar with, they were mostly people he knew from school. All week you had been thinking of excuses why you couldn't come. He knew your parents weren't busy and you couldn't tell him you'd already made plans. It was finally the day of the party that you'd been dreading for weeks. Maybe I can tell him I forgot my suit? you thought, It's specifically a pool party, how could I forget. You threw your things in a bag and drove over to Ashton's house. There was a ton of cars outside his house already and you could hear the music coming from the backyard. "Y/N! Hey, babe" Ashton greeted you with a peck on the lips. He introduced you to a few people that you didn't recognize. Once you walked outside, two girls in bikinis ran up to Ashton, "Ash! Come take pictures with us!" they exclaimed. "Sure! Y/N, why don't you go put your bathing suit on, hm?" he said, winking at you. "Uh, yea" you replied, heading back inside. You climbed the steps inside and headed into Ashton's room. Instead of changing, you sat on Ash's bed and went through your twitter feed. Photos of Ashton with girls were already online, and you couldn't help but burn the images of them into your eyes. Flat stomachs, thigh gaps, and perfect figures stared back at you. You glanced past their bodies and to Ashton's hands, they were pressed against the girls sides. Tears were beginning to form in your eyes as you scrolled through the pictures. "Y/N? Are you in there?" you heard Ashton say from behind the door after he knocked. "No, just...just a minute" you said, attempting to wipe your tears away. God, doesn't Ashton own tissues? you thought as you looked around the room. "Hey, are you okay? I'm coming in" Ashton said, opening the door. He looked shocked when he saw your state of tears. "What's wrong?" he asked, sitting next to you. "Yea, I'm fine" you smiled despite the tears still threatening to fall. "No, what's wrong?" he moved his hands to your face and looked into your eyes, his face full of concern. "Ashton, I just don't feel comfortable..." you paused trying to think of the correct wording but giving up, "All of the other girls are so beautiful with their amazing bodies and bubbly personalities. I'm just fat and spending my time ruining your party because I'm crying like a loser in your bedroom. I just wanna be perfect" you blurted out. "Babe, what are you talking about? You're absolutely stunning. I don't even see any of those other girls because I spend too much time staring at you" he said, taking your hands in his. "You're not ruining my party either, except the fact that the rest of the guys here don't get to see you in a bikini, but you know I'm always going to be here when you need me. I love everything about you, even if you hate parts of yourself" he smiled. "Thanks, Ash" you smiled back. He kissed you on the nose. "Now, get in your suit and come outside so I can show off my beautiful girlfriend to everyone".

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