-18- Home

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So I'm going home, back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me - Daughtry

Their holiday came to an end. Daniel had to go to Barcelona to start pre-season testing. After that Daniel would go back to Australia. This would be the first time the two would be apart since they met. Isa was going back to Texas. She had to go into the office an discuss some illustrations she had to make. The couple packed their bags in silence, neither of them knew what to say. They didn't want to leave Australia, and they didn't want to leave each other. Isa and Daniel went downstairs with their suitcases. Grace and Joe were waiting for them at the front door. 'we want to take you out for dinner before you have to leave, is that alright?' Grace asked the couple, Isa looked briefly at Daniel before giving Grace a sweet smile and nodding her head 'Yeah, we would love that'. The four of them stepped in the car, putting their luggage in the back so they could go to the airport after dinner. It was nice, just the four of them enjoying each other's company. Daniel held Isa's hand underneath the table, Isa occasionally gazed at his handsome face. trying to take in every inch of him, afraid of forgetting his features when he was gone. After dinner, Daniels parents drove them to the airport, they hugged each other and said their goodbyes. Isa felt small tears in her eyes, Grace whipped away her tears, 'I'm going to miss you two' Isa let out a laugh as she hugs Grace. Daniel would see his parents at the Australian GP, but Isa wouldn't be able to make the race because of work. Isa and Daniel made their way towards the gate, they had some time to kill so they sat down and watched some Netflix to pass the time away. Isa rested her head upon Daniels shoulder, 'You know what I would like' Daniel asked Isa, Isa let out a chuckle, lifting her head to look at him. 'No babe, I need a little more information'. Isa grabbed his hands, waiting for Daniel to talk. 'I would really like it if we lived together. Like move in together, maybe you could move in with me in Monaco?' Daniel asked hesitantly, not sure how Isa would react. They both new that every step of their relationship went way faster than usual. But they were fine with that, they knew it was right for them. Isa was a bit taken back by his question, she hadn't really thought about their living situations yet but now that he asked her, it felt like a natural thing to do. 'Yes, I think I would like that Dan, I will have to make some arrangements with the office, but I think there will be no problem. I will miss Luna, you know, she and her parents have been the only thing close to family for me for years, so it is a bit weird to move away from them, but also exited. I'm going to do something for me for once.' Isa was exited to move in with Dan, she knows that Dan will be away a lot but knowing that when he is home, they will be together, brought a smile on her face.

Isa had to go to her gate, her flight was leaving before Daniels'. 'I'm going to miss you so much princess' Daniel whispered in her ear as they hugged each other. Isa had her arms around Daniels neck, moving her fingers through his hair while his hands found their way under her shirt, caressing her waist. Their lips touched lightly, it could barely be called a kiss. As Isa's flight was called through the airport, they broke away, giving each other a last long kiss. Isa walked away, she didn't look back, scared she wouldn't leave and miss her flight. Daniel stared after her as he watched her walking away. They wouldn't see each other for two months and the thought of that alone made him want to cry. As Daniel was sat on the plane, he put his headphones on, trying to block out the noise. Several hours later, Daniel landed in Barcelona. He collected his bags and went to the car park where his press officer would be to pick him up. When he saw Aurelie, he smiled, she waved at him and met him halfway. They hugged each other, before Daniel put his stuff in the back of the car and stepped in the passenger seat. 'How are you Dan?' Aurelie asked, looking briefly at Daniel while starting up the car. Daniel smiled at her 'I'm really good, happy, just annoyed that I have to leave Isa at this point in our relationship'. Aurelie nodded in understanding. They played some music as they drove to the hotel, a comfortable silence over them. 'I will let you settle in and then we will have dinner with the team tonight, then tomorrow Michael will pick you up at seven to train for a bit and he will bring you to the track. I will be waiting for you there okay?' Aurelie told Daniel his schedule for the upcoming hours. Daniel nodded his head, 'Yeah, sure, I will see you soon' Daniel stepped out of the car and collected his key from the front desk of the hotel, taking the elevator up to his room. As Daniel made his way over to the table were his team was sat, he was greeted when everyone saw him. He sat down in between some mechanics, ' How are you Dan? Had a good time with your girlfriend?' someone asked Daniel. He smiled ' Well, me and my fiancé, had a wonderful time in Australia' Daniel casually said, wondering if his team would pick up. Once they realized what he said, the table broke out in loud cheers. He received many congrats' and was hugged by almost everyone. Daniel couldn't wipe the smile from his face.

Isa took another paper bag she was given by a flight attended and emptied her gut once again, it surprised her that she still had something inside of her stomach to vomit. She frowned, she never felt sick while flying, so vomiting four times on one flight concerned her. Maybe she really was getting sick as she wasn't feeling well the last two weeks. She was relieved when the plane touched down in Texas. She couldn't wait to go to her apartment. She and Daniel discussed that Isa would pack her stuff so she could move in before the first race of the season. Daniel would be back in Monaco for a week before flying out to Australia so it would be a good opportunity for Isa to move in then. It was sad that Isa couldn't come to the Australian GP as she needed to be at a book publishing in London that weekend. She wanted to be at the race so bad but she had to keep working is she wanted to travel to some more races this upcoming season. Even if they were engaged and Daniel could easily provide for the both of them, Isa wanted to work for herself, she didn't want to sit around all day doing nothing. When Isa got home she grabbed her phone to ring Daniel, she waited but he didn't pick up. She realized he had a team dinner, he probably had a good time and had his phone on silent. She threw her phone next to her on the bed and sight, she could begin to pack up her clothes. Isa started to pack some her clothes away, some in suit cases and some in boxes. Around midnight Isa felt content, her apartment almost packed away in boxes. She began her nigh routine in the bathroom and laid down in her bed. It felt weird to lay in bed without Daniel next to her. Isa's mind wondered to anything and everything, she needed to see a doctor, but she wasn't going to tell Daniel as she didn't want him to worry, she would call tomorrow morning to make an appointment.

A/N filler chapter.

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