-3- I'll never love again

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Wish I could, I could've said goodbye
I would've said what I wanted to
Maybe even cried for you - Lady Gaga

As Daniel and Isa walk back to the ranch together they start talking. Daniel tells Isa about his career in F1. How he had always dreamed of racing there and to travel the world. How he wanted to make his parents proud, because they thought Daniels love for racing was just a phase. Isa love to hear him talk. He was so passionate about his career, and when he talked about his parents his eyes sparkled and his smile grew even wider if that is possible. Listening to Daniel talking made a smile on her face appear. They felt at ease with each other, even when they talked about sensitive topics. Isa told Daniel about her work, she is a illustrator for books, children's books mostly. She lives alone, in the centre of Austin. She doesn't have a lot of friends, it is because she works alone and is home most part of the day. Her only real friend is Luna, but they don't see each other that often as the ranch is quite far away for Isa. "Dan, don't you ever feel lonely?," Isa asked insecure about how he will react to her question. Daniel thought about the question for a moment. "No one really asked me that before. Everyone assumes I like the lifestyle of a F1 driver, which I do of course, but yes it gets lonely sometime. I travel the world all by myself, yes I have my trainer and my team, but at the end of the day I am alone in the hotel. I guess I never considered myself lonely, I think I didn't want to sound ungrateful for the opportunities and the privileges that F1 gives me," Isa is a bit taken back by Daniels confession. "Where is this coming from Isa? Is there something bothering you? You can tell me, you know," Daniel asks, thinking there is something she wants to tell but doesn't have the courage to tell. "I have loved this day so much Dan, you have given me feelings I have never felt before and I want to get to know you better but my past is holding me back so much. I want to tell you so bad but I..," Isa stops, she wants to tell Daniel so badly what's bothering her. " you don't have to, you can tell me when you're ready to. I'll wait, I'm not going anywhere," Daniel whispers in her ear as he gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

When they arrive back the ranch is closed for visitors. Daniel an Isa part ways as Daniel has to bring Sky, the horse he took for a ride, back to the stables. As Isa walks into the guestroom in the house, Luna is sitting on the bed. They just look at each other without saying a word. Isa walks into the bathroom connected to the bedroom, to freshen up for dinner. "You can open up to him, you know? He is the most funny, sweet and caring person in the world. And I am not just saying that because he is my cousin," Luna tells Isa because she knows what she is thinking. " It is okay to let someone in for once, to let someone help you. You don't have to do it all on your own Isa". Isa comes out of the bathroom with a sweet smile on her face, "But that is why I have you, my sweet best friend," Isa says and sits on Luna's lap. Luna pushes Isa away. " You know what I mean Izzy, you need someone in your life who will be there for you no matter what, who you can share your pain with, a partner, a boyfriend, DANIEL! You guys would look so cute together, I just know it. And besides he is already smitten by you, he needs someone by his side who is down to earth and will keep him grounded when he is away In that glamorous lifestyle of his. You know we would be REALLY be family is you and Dan would get together," Luna says exited. "Calm down, we have known each other less than a day. We will see where these weeks will lead us. Come on, let's go downstairs, I'm hungry," Luna groans as Isa drags her out of the room.

Eve, Luna's mom, is setting the dinner table while john, Luna's dad is grilling some meat on the barbeque. Daniel is standing in the garden next to john, beer in hand and a smile on his face, he looks relaxed, Isa thinks. "He's handsome isn't he," eve asks, bursting Isa's daydreaming bubble. "Yeah he is," Isa says Blushing. "There is nothing wrong with a little male attention my dear. It has been a while since I have seen you swoon over a boy," eve says while she is finishing the salad and potatoes. Isa is pouring wine into three glasses, " I know it's not that I don't want to, it is just hard to forget what happened and I can't fight the thoughts about it happening again," putting the glasses on the table she sighs. "You may not know him but we do, and we can tell you that he would never do that. You may not trust him yet but you trust us right? Maybe you should just tell him, you said you wanted to right? Maybe if you tell him you will see for yourself what a good guy he is," Luna tells Isa. "Well, when did you start giving good advice, now why don't you girls sit down and I will get the guys, dinner is ready," Eve says as the two girls sit down next to each other at the table. Eve, John and Daniel walk inside. Daniel sits across from Isa as Eve sits next to Daniel and John sits at the head of the table. Small talk is being made while eating and sipping wine. When everybody is done eating John asks, "So what are your plans for the evening?". " Well I was thinking of taking Isa into town for some ice cream, if she has no other plans," Daniel says looking at you. Isa feels her cheeks getting as red as a tomato, "Well I would love to but Luna and I were going to watch a movie, you know, girls night". Luna is quick to respond, " you know I just remembered that I have some chores in the barn that I haven't done. So why don't you go on that date with Daniel and I will go do the chores". Daniel and Isa look in each other's eyes, "yeah why don't we go on that ice cream date," Isa says smiling. Daniel grins, "Why don't we help with the dishes and then head into town?". "nonsense kids, I will put the dishes in the dishwasher, you two go on and enjoy your evening. Take a key, will you?," Eve says happy as she's ushering the two out of the house.

Daniel opens the door on the passenger side and gives Isa a hand to help her in the truck. Isa is smiling as he closes the door and walks to the driver's side of the car and leaves the driveway of the farm. Daniel can't help but occasionally look at Isa, Her hair is blowing in the wind because of the open window. Her bare feet on the dashboard and her angelic voice singing along to a country song on the radio. Daniel can't help it and takes her hand in his and kisses the back. Isa giggles, turns to Daniel and leans in to kiss his cheek. The drive into town isn't that long. When Daniel parks the car in front of the ice cream parlor he tells Isa to stay put and rushes out of the car to her side to open the door. Isa takes Daniels hand as she hops out of the truck. They hold hands as they walk in. They order their ice cream and sit in a booth by the window. As they both finished their ice cream Isa feels like this is the right time to tell Daniel about her past. Isa takes a deep breath before she starts to talk, "I don't want to ruin the night Dan, but I want to see where this is going, and for me to do that 100% I need to tell you something about my past." Daniels looks at her and takes one of her hands in his. He feels her small, slightly sweaty palm in his bigger one and gives it a light squeeze to encourage her to go on. "when I was fifteen I had a baby".

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