Kitten (Lev x reader)

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'How the HECK did I lose a giant??' (Y/n) was panicking as she was looking around the crowded streets of Tokyo.

She had gone out with Lev for a small date/hangout, whatever you want to call it, and while taking a stroll, (Y/n) was telling Lev a story when she noticed no response from the tall male. She turned to where the male was supposed to be and saw that no one was there.

"Eh?! Lev??" she exclaimed while looking around for him.

To not be a nuisance, she went to the side of the sidewalk to not block others' way and took out her phone. She dialed his number and waited for the response.

1 ring...

2 rings...

3 rings..

"He's not answering?" the (h/c-ette) thought when the call automatically hung up. She tried calling him again but there was still no response. She then sent a message to him before back-tracking where she came from. At the same time, she asked the locals working there if they had seen a "tall foreigner with grey hair" walking around.

It took her 4 people to ask to know when did she lose her boyfriend.

"Excuse me." (Y/n) went up to a florist. "Have you seen a tall boy, maybe a foreigner, and has short grey hair?" she asked the old woman who then took a few seconds to recall. "Ah! Yeah, I saw him enter that convenience store." she said and pointed to a 7-Eleven across the road.

"Thank you!" (Y/n) thanked the auntie and went to the store. However, she didn't need to enter it at all when she heard her boyfriend's voice in an alley instead.

"Come on, don't be shy."

She stopped in her tracks and looked in the alley.

In a distance in the dim light, she sees the man she was looking for squatting down with a can in his hand.

"Lev!" she called and brisk walked to him. "Where have you been?!" she wanted to continue scolding until she noticed something else.


"...You were...playing with a cat?" she was in disbelief. She spent 10 minutes looking for her boyfriend...because he was busy playing with a cat? "It's not just a cat!" he whined and moved to the side. "It's abandoned kittens!"

Upon looking closer, (Y/n) noticed that there were 3 kittens sitting in the worn out box. "Meow~!" a kitten mewed and stared up at the (h/c-ette) with those big cute eyes. 'Don't look at me like that.' she thought but the kitten continued staring up at her.

"Sigh." she sighed before crouching down.

The cat mewed again and climbed out of the box to rub itself against her. And after much temptation and patience, (Y/n) couldn't help herself but to cup the kitten's head gently in her hands.

"Awww why are you soo cute!" she cooed and pet the cat. "Can't believe anyone would dare to leave you here."

"I know right." Lev sighed. "What are we going to do with them?" That statement got them thinking. They can't just leave the kittens here, right? (Y/n) definitely knew her parents wouldn't allow her to keep it. "Would your parents allow you to keep them?" she asked the russian.



"Nee-san! I'm home!" Lev greeted his sister who was currently the only one home. "And (Y/n) is here with me!" At that, Alisa came rushing to the door to greet the two, mostly (Y/n).

"Welcome home! Hi (Y/n)!" she greeted and was already hugging the (h/c) haired girl. "Hello Alisa."

"Meow~" finally moving her attention away from the (h/c-ette), Alisa looked to where that sound came from. She looked to the side to see the dirty box in her brother's arms, and inside were the 3 kittens they found, fondly looking at her.

"Can we keep them?"


Izumi: i spent like 2 hours drawing but i ended up not liking it so i deleted the file lol

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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