Kidnapped (Kageyama x reader)

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Requested by: JessieBTS

Izumi: has your brain ever gone "B O K E !"



"Alright, that's the end of today's practice. See you guys tomorrow." Coach Ukai said before he left the gym for the Karasuno's Boys' Volleyball Club to clean up and go home.

(Y/n) was sitting at one of the benches available, waiting for Kageyama to finish changing before heading home together. This would be their routine whenever Kageyama has volleyball. (Y/n) would have club too, but it finishes earlier so it gives (Y/n) time to travel to the gym.

"Let's go." Daichi said to everyone when all of them have changed. It was a routine for them to clean up and head to Coach Ukai's shop for some snacks. While halfway on the way to the shop, (Y/n) received a message from her mom to help get some groceries because apparently there was a shortage for dinner.

"Ah, sorry guys. My mom asked me to get some groceries on the way home, so I'm gonna walk this way." (Y/n) said. "I'll go with you. It's getting dark." Kageyama asked as he is worried about your safety.

"Nah, it's fine. You're already tired from practice and I only need a couple of things." (Y/n) said before the two parties said their goodbyes before heading home.

It didn't take (Y/n) long to find the needed groceries and pay for them before heading home.

It got slightly darker since the sun was basically at the horizon once you were done.

On the way home, she couldn't help but feel uneasy. It seemed as if someone was watching her.

(Y/n) started picking up her pace. 'Why isn't there anyone in the streets now??' she was basically panicking at this point, the uneasiness was increasing.

She wanted to take out her phone to call Kageyama so that she would feel safer, and that if anything happened to her, Kageyama would at least hear something.

Before she was able to take out her phone however, someone wrapped an arm across her waist whilst the other was on her mouth, preventing her from shouting for help.

(Y/n) struggled to fight back until she realized she was lifted off the floor, and was then brought away via car.

==N E X T D A Y==

Kageyama entered class and noticed that (Y/n) wasn't in her seat. 'Weird.. Is she running late? She usually comes to school early.' He thought but shrugged it off, thinking that she must have for some reason woken up late.

==S M A L L T I M E S K I P==

'It's already after lunch and (Y/n) still isn't here?' Kageyama thought before a teacher walked into the class in the middle of a lesson, "Excuse me, are any of you close to (L/n) (Y/n)?" they said and Kageyama instantly perked up at the name.

He raised his hand, "Yes! I am close to her." he said. The teacher then brought Kageyama out into the hallway while the lesson resumed.

"What is your relationship with (L/n)-san?" the teacher asked. Kageyama's faced got a bit red before answering, "S-She's my girlfriend.." he whispered as his face got more red.

"Were you with (L/n)-san yesterday?" the teacher asked and Kageyama nodded his head. 'Why is the teacher asking these questions? Did something happen to her??' he thought.

"Ah, well when and where was the last time you saw her?" the teacher asked. "We were walking home after volleyball practice but we split ways when she had to go to the grocery store." Kageyama responded. "Did you happen to know which store it is?" the teacher asked.

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