Lunch (Asahi x Chubby!Shy!reader)

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Requested By: AshliDinkelman

Izumi: when you're walking and you need to physically avoid someone so you don't crash into them in a narrow hallway, do you walk to the side, squeeze to the size and wait for them to past, twist your body while walking, or you just simply crash/tackle them down?



(Y/n) was walking down the third year's level as she made her way to her boyfriend's classroom. She had to help out her teacher during lunch and wasn't able to tell Asahi about it. Hopefully he wouldn't be upset about her being late, and also with his lunch.

When (Y/n) finally arrived at Asahi's class, she slid the classroom door open and looked at his seat to see, no one?

"Ah, (L/n). Are you looking for Azumane-san?" One of Asahi's classmates, who recognized (Y/n) from her frequent visits, asked. (Y/n) nodded slightly at the question. Despite seeing Asahi's classmates for awhile, she has never spoken to them, considering how shy she is to strangers.

"Ah, he's at the gym with the volleyball club. He's doing some last minute training with them for the upcoming competition." The classmate informed (Y/n). (Y/n) thanked the classmate by bowing slightly before leaving to head to the gym.

==S H O R T  T I M E  S K I P==

(Y/n) finally made her way to the gym where the boys' volleyball club is currently at and tried to open the door as quietly as she could. However, since the door was quite old, it let out a soft screech(?) as it opened.

This caused the entire volleyball club, who was on break, to look at the visitor. The (h/c) haired girl noticed the attention directed towards her and stayed in her position at the entrance as she stared back.

She didn't know what to do here. With her shy nature, she couldn't trust her voice, but she couldn't just tell them anything through body language.

"Oh! Who's that?" Nishinoya asked no one in particular. "I don't know, Noya-san. She's a bit on the chubby side, but she's still very cute!" Tanaka replied his best friend.

Not even trying to whisper their reactions, (Y/n) heard the "chubby" comment and felt even more shy and self-conscious than she was before in front of the team.

Because of that, she moved slightly to the side to hide her body behind the door and only show everything else above the shoulders.

Luckily, Asahi noticed his girlfriend in distress and quickly picked up his items before heading to her.

"Hey, (Y/n). Where do you wanna eat today?" he asked when he finally got to where you were at. "Oh, and sorry for not telling you that I had training during lunch today."

Before she could answer, she was interrupted by the second year duo. "Asahi-san, you know her?" Nishinoya asked.

"Yea, she's my girlfriend."


"Sorry about my teammate. They didn't hurt you did they?" Asahi asked as they were sitting beneath a tree, eating the lunch (Y/n) had prepared for the both of them.

"No, I mean, maybe a bit.." (Y/n) answered as she began to take smaller bites of her food.

Asahi noticed her change in mood and said "Don't mind what they think, I still love you for who you are. Don't change just because they don't like it, because I like aaaaall of you." as he patted her head.


Izumi: i got called fat once by a friend like 4 years ago but its ok its the truth. i actually wasnt offended. i AM trying to lose weight but its because im actually in the overweight range and i wanna be healthy and fit :((( and also because i want to fit in this really cute overall i bought but IN THE WRONG SIZE :( ITS SO CLOSE YET SO FAR

quarantine actually made me gain 3kg and like that sucks

i mean i love my body and all but THINK HOW FIT I COULD BE IF I DIDNT EAT ICE CREAM/BUBBLE TEA/SWEETS EVERY DAY. low stamina gang ✊😞

but if YOU are losing weight to fit society's standard, don't bother. the standard is impossible to reach because of hate everywhere and at this point everything we are doing is wrong so just continue being you and do the wrong things your own way, but be healthy!!!

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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