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Max and Tul both got up and went over to the group of girls.

Tul: hey there, Tul and this is my friend Max. I was just thinking that how are you beautiful girls sitting her all alone. How did your boyfriends leave you alone here.

The girls giggle. Girl: we are just here for our friends bachelorette party.

Max: "oh! Would you mind if we join you all. Our party is anyway getting boring we might enjoy with you atleast." Pointing to his friends who were in their own world. 

Seeing the smirk on their face, the  girls were a blushing mess seeing two hot specimen in front of them. As the party went on further and the night went on the boys were getting closer and closer to the girls flirting with them and the girls were clinging on to them and even grinding on them.

Soon the two got up with a girls clinging on to them ready to get laid. Max gave Tul a knowing smile and moved outside the club and Tul followed. Pavel Dome and Mew Gulf watched all of this and ignored them. They were now used to the behavior of these two boys. And now had given up on telling them about a serious relationship. Max and Tul went to their respective dorm to do you know what....

The next morning..

Max got ready for college. The girl had already left the room. And it was nothing new for max so he got ready as usual and on his way down he called Tul. Tul took some time and before picked the call up.

Max : hello. Tul are you going to come to pick me up for college?

Tul : maybe no, I'm a little busy right now.

Max: oh god how are you still not exhausted from last night?

Tul chuckles and disconnects the phone. Max could just sigh and go on his way to the college alone. He went to college and sat on the table they usually sit he just saw dome sitting there alone playing on the phone with all the bags of the other member surrounding him.

Max: hey, Dome where is everybody

Dome: oh Hiii, Max. Yeah P' Mew and Pavel are gone to get us breakfast and Gulf is having a hangover so he might not come today. What about Tul?

Max let out an awkward laugh and said: umm....he is actually still at his dorm with that girl from last night and he will come a little late.

Dome just gave Max a small smile and went back to his phone. After a while of waiting Pavel and Mew came back with their breakfast. Max had already messaged them to get some for him as well.

Mew : hmm, here your breakfast.

Mew looked a little angry and sad. But Max didn't exactly understand the reason behind it,

And now he was about to find out.

Mew: Max how many times have I told you not to sleep around with girls you just met, you need to know what it is to love and feel special towards that person and make love with that one person.

Max: P'Mew please don't get started again. I know and I have heard this a zillion times from none other than you. Max was irritated by the fact that Mew is always trying to give him his advices even though he doesn't want them. Max just decided to ignore what Mew said and eat his breakfast peacefully. Pavel and Dome could just watch and couldn't talk because when Mew is angry no one could calm him other than Gulf. And they agreed to what Mew was telling Max.

Mew: you wouldn't understand why am I even wasting my energy on you. Telling you this you are going to regret this.

Just then a girl comes to their table crying and...

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