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As I lay broken upon Kylo's bed in a sticky sweaty mess, he leaves me. By this point I know better than to worry or question his actions, and when he returns with a warm damp towel I'm thankful for his soft touches as he cleanses my skin.

Gently wiping between my legs, and then kissing each red mark that will soon bruise, he takes care of my body just as he promised. In time, my sore muscles remember how to move and I quietly vacate the room as I hear him starting his shower.

We didn't talk much, but that's okay. I didn't need words of validation after what we had just done. His aftercare was enough for me, it spoke the words unspoken. So I tiptoe back to my own room on the opposite side of the penthouse, taking painfully methodical steps as my body tries to regain its strength.

Soaking in my bathtub until the water is cold, I empty and refill it twice. My muscles are thankful for the heat and rest.

By the time I crawl into my own bed, it's almost 4 A.M.

I fall into a deep sleep, one without dreams. My entire body shuts off and I don't stir until I feel bright sunshine falling across my face. Looking to my alarm clock, I realize with a panic that it's 1 P.M. and if I don't get my ass moving, I'll miss breakfast and lunch.

Scrambling to make myself presentable, my body is still sore. Simple tasks like dressing are achingly slow. But I'm in an incredible mood. Each time a muscle tightens, or each time I touch a bruise, I flash back to last night's experience.

And what an experience it was.

I'm not sure what to expect from Kylo today, but I remind myself: hot and cold. That's the game. Hot and cold. Don't get your hopes up, I tell myself, and don't be surprised when he's icy.

When I finally make it to the kitchen, the only sign of Kylo is a half pot of fresh coffee. Which I'm beyond grateful for.

I make a simple lunch of leftovers from last night's party, but I get no response when I send a text asking if he's hungry.

Instead of dwelling on Kylo... what last night means for me... for us... is there an us... of course there's no us... how will this affect my job... has this happened with other employees... how many...

I shove those questions aside and focus on what I do know. I know I'm good at my job, I know I have work to do, I know that I if I don't have any expectations then I can't be disappointed.

I message the housekeepers, letting them know to drop by today. After tidying the apartment, I decide to leave most of the Christmas decorations on display. I'm not ready to forget last night and it's over a week until the actual holiday anyway.

When the clutter has been cleared and the penthouse is ready for a deep clean, I give the maids some space and decide to run errands while they work.

Messaging Vic, I ask for a ride, and silently hope things won't be too weird between us.

I've been avoiding him since the warehouse. I know I shouldn't have, but I needed to put some space between that night and now.

I spoke to Rose briefly after she made it home to New Jersey, but we haven't had a chance to truly catch up since I've been so busy with party planning. Hopefully Vic isn't too mad.

When he pulls in front of the building where I'm smoking and chatting with Jimmy, he greets me with a broad smile.

"Afternoon, miss! Where are we headed?" he asks while opening the door.

I slide into the back of the town car and wave goodbye to Jimmy, and then let Vic know we're heading to Phasma's office.

"No problem!" he replies in a chipper tone.

Craving: A Kylo Ren Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें