Chapter 17

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Taylor's POV:
Ed and I call the whole Agency over for a "get-together". Really, we'll just have tea and cookies, and also tell people that I will be visiting Maui again.
That's the trap part. If the culprit thinks I'm going to be gone, they might come in the house and do something.
I'm so lost in thought, I don't even hear Caitlyn ring the doorbell! Ed calls to me, "can you get it?" from the living room, where the flatscreen is. (He, of course, has it blaring loudly.) I jump up abruptly to open the door.
"Hey!" I greet Caitlyn. I'm sure that she isn't the culprit. As far as I know, she has an alibi. Plus, she is super sweet!
"Hey, Tay! Oops, that rhymed. Well, anyway, where's the tea!" She seems so excited today.
"Right in there," I point to the direction of the dining room.
She scurries off like a mouse going after cheese. Why is she so eager? Well, more than usual, anyway?
Amos, Grant, Paul and the rest of the Agency and Starlights (my backup singers and sometimes dancers) walk in. And then, finally, an unexpected guest....
I haven't seen her in what seems like eons. After Red, well, really during the recording of 1989, we didn't talk. She chose not to record any more songs with me after I went full-blown pop.
Did Ed invite her? I'll have to ask later.
"Oh, hey, Taylor. Nice party you've got going on. Got any Earl Grey? Mint? Green? Any of those is good..." Liz's tone is somewhat, well, bland. She seems bored saying the few words that she did to me.
"Uh... Yeah, we've got all three. I'll go brew some Earl Grey." The tension is kinda awkward.
I steep the tea bag in the small, dainty teacup adorned with tiny little flowers, watching the tea bag bob up and down. Then Ed walks by.
"How's it going?" He asks. "How many cups of tea have you had yet? How much have Meredith and Olivia had yet?" Ed loves to tease my immense love for tea.
"Ha, ha, very funny," I fake laugh. "Ed, did you invite Liz?"
He frowns. "Well, yeah, she is sort of a part of the Agency, right?"
"I guess so, but it's really awkward. She kinda ditched me after I went pop."
Ed thinks for a moment, then turns back to me. "Sorry, Taylor, I didn't know, but I thought you two were still on good terms."
"It's okay, Ed." I give a warm smile. "Well, we should probably do announcements right about now, anyway. Gotta go do that..."
I make my way over to a fancy window bench coated in pillows. I take two or three off, and stood up on it.
"Attention, fellow... Friends! I have an announcement!" My voice booms.
Everyone stops talking as soon as I said the first part. The effect I have on people is frightening.
"I'm going to Maui! Again. For the whole week. Since I'll be gone, rehearsals for the Libretto Awards will be put on hold." The Librettos are basically these awards where songwriting is focused on mostly. I'm performing there; most likely He Doesn't Know. Oh, that will bring tears to the audience- just kidding.
"And I'm leaving tonight!" I make sure to add in. That's crucial to the trap.
Well, anyway, chatter erupts in my circle of friends in the living room. I know that some would groan out loud if they could, but they're just probably groaning inside their heads. They always think that they will get some special recognition for singing and playing instruments with me while rehearsing- like, people walking by and saying, "oh look, it's blah blah blah!"
That never is the case, however.
And the rest congratulate me. They say that they're happy I've found a great vacationing spot. And also, they tell me to post pictures of my belly button while I'm there.
These people, though.
Not long after the partygoers clear out of my house. Ed says goodbye too, (and gives me a quick kiss, may I note, though that was far after everyone left) and wishes me luck. "I hope you can catch this creep."
"I'll try," I declare. "I will."

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