Chapter 16

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Omg! So sorry I haven't written for almost two months! I've been writing a lot of Bruised Heart, which is almost finished- so after that I'll have more time for this.
Ed's POV:
I decide to check up on Nicole's theory about Amos. He really wasn't at the awards, so anything could've happened.
I invite Taylor over and wait for a bit. The doorbell rings loudly and I run to the door to answer it. Taylor looks in a sort of rush; her coat is buttoned a bit wrong and it looks like part of the tag was still on.
"Yeah, I know. I don't look like a daisy this morning. But I got this new coat in the mail, and I couldn't open scissors to cut off the tag-" Taylor speaks a mile a minute.
"Don't worry about it," I say. "So, you still don't have those scissors opened, huh?" I smile at her and she smiles back.
"Anyway," Taylor says. What's up?"
"Nicole- I mean I- might have figured out who's up to these mysterious notes." I glance at her. She bites her lip. "Yeah?" She says nervously.
"Don't be alarmed," I say, "but... Amos."
Taylor's jaw drops. "But... Amos? How? Why?"
"Well," I start to explain, "He left the Superstarr awards early. He could've snuck in your house. Plus, it had to be someone by you in the seats, because wasn't 13 your seat number? And it wasn't lucky because of Nicole?"
"Oh..." Taylor thinks for a moment. "Yeah. Plus, before I blacked out, I saw a glimpse of dark black hair. Amos has that hair color."
"Could it've been him, do you think? Any other details of the attacker?"
"Hmm. Well, the attacker on the phone had a deep voice, like, not natural, so if it was Amos..." Taylor looks me in the eyes. "He probably used some sort of app... Oh, yeah, I think it was recorded too. No, wait..."
"All of that aside, were there any signs of a break-in?" I ask Taylor.
"No. And Amos has a key, so there wouldn't have been," she replies.
"You know, there must be only one way to figure this out," I declare. "We set a trap."

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