Chapter 18

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Taylor's POV:
The hours that follow the party are agonizing. Short of terrifying. Pretty soon the black-haired culprit will walk in. And I'll have to be hiding pretty soon.
If it's not Amos... Well, I don't know. Who else could it be? I'm trying to think of who else I know who has black hair, or a really dark brown shade.
Nicole. Of course, we're not on the best of terms either, clearly, so I can't rule her out.
Who else?
Nobody who doesn't have an alibi. Yet, I feel like I have the strangest feeling- like a tingle in my brain - that I'm forgetting someone.
My alarm on my phone rings. 8:45 already? I gotta go hide.
I linger by the top of the stairs, making sure that me- and my shadow- are out of sight.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
When is this culprit going to get here?
At 9:05, I start to hear the clicks of heels on my floor.
I can't see anything yet, but... A woman?
Not Amos.
I must make some sort of noise, because before I know it, the heel clicks are coming in my direction.
And before I know it, there's pepper spray in my eyes.
"Ah!" I fall back into a bookcase on my stairs. Pride and Prejudice comes tumbling down. I think it was that book. I couldn't see much, maybe a few P's on the title.
The last thing I see (well, barely see- I still can't make out a face) before the impact knocks me out is the culprit scratching her hair. Almost adjusting it. Except her hands look like blobs of peachy skin and her hair looks like another blob.
The click of heels is the last thing I hear.
Click, clack. Click, clack.

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