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Emilio's Pov

My parents have stopped by this morning. They showed up way too early. I Just wanted to hold Alisha longer.Walking down the stairs I see my parents in the kitchen. They were making breakfast.

"What are you guys doing this early in the morning?" I grumble taking a seat at the island. My mom looks over at me.

"We heard about your sister. You two were close and for you to have to kill her it must be hard on you" My mom says. I haven't even let it cross my mind. It doesn't affect me that I had to kill her.

"She hasn't been my sister in several years. She took someone I love and I had to make sure she wouldn't do it again" I say glaring at the wall.

"You love her?" My father asked. He and my mother have grown used to Alisha and her kids. So have I and over time I fell in love with her. I would have been shocked if I didn't love her. She is sweet to everyone unless you get on her nerves. She was a good mother. She made sure their needs were met before hers.

"Yes with everything in me" I muttered. My mother looks back at me with a bright smile. She turned the stove off after finishing the pancakes.

"Then you should do something about that then," My mom says making a plate for the twins before making everyone else's plates. Even though I was grown she still made my plate when she came over and made food. I think she misses having kids in the house.

"Go wake them to eat" My mom pushed me out of my seat and to the stairs. I looked back at her and she was pointing to the stairs. With a chuckle I walk up the stairs and into my room. Alisha and the girls were snuggled up together. They both clung to either side of her. I couldn't bring myself to wake them up. Alisha needed the sleep but she also didn't get much food when my sister had her. She needs to eat.

"Alisha, baby, time to eat" I shake her. Alisha's hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. Her eyes snapped open. She looked at me before letting go of my arm.

"Sorry" she says with an apologetic look. I give her a smile.

"You don't need to apologize. My mom made pancakes" I say. Alisha nods her head while waking the girls up. Emory let out a groan. I could already tell she was gonna be grumpy today. Katalina on the other hand was in a happy mood. She could probably smell the pancakes from up here.

"Come on daddy, let's eat," Katalina says jumping over to me. She jumps in my arms. I look over at Alisha. She picked up a grumpy Emory. Emory had a frown on her face as we walked down the stairs. I put Kat in her spot and Alisha does the same to Emory. Alisha and I sat down. My parents were seated at the end of the table already eating.

"Good morning Alisha. Sleep well?" My dad asked looking at Alisha. She was quietly eating.

"Yeah I'm still tired though" Alisha yawned.

"How about you girls?" My mother asked the twins. Emory didn't answer and instead stuffed her face with pancakes.

"It was good gram gram" Kat says before going back to eating her pancakes.

After breakfast my parents got the twins ready and took them for the day. Alisha went to lay back down and I worked in my office for the rest of the day. I was on my laptop filling out some documents when my door opened. It was 6 in the evening. I look up seeing a frightened Alisha. She slept most of the day.

"What's wrong?" I ask. I turn my chair as I grab her hand. I pull her down on my lap. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her head in my neck.

"I thought I was back with my ex" She whispered. She played with my hair on the back of my head. I wrap my arms around her as I hold her.

"You're safe with me now. My sister was the only stupid one to come after me" I mutter. Everyone else was scared of me. They didn't want to try and get on my bad side. They knew I would ruin everything they had.

"How about we go out for dinner?" I say. Alisha stopped playing with my hair and looked back at me. Her eyes searched my face.

Alisha's Pov

"Can it be a date?" I asked as I gazed at Emilio. A blush made its way onto my face. Emilio gave me a breathtaking smile.

"Yes Alisha it can be a date" he chuckled twirling a strand of my around his finger. "Alright, go get ready for our date and wear something nice" he mutters against my cheek as he placed a kiss there.

I get up and walk into my room to get ready. I take a shower. I washed my body and shaved. I got out of the shower and blow dried my hair. I lightly curled it before heading over to my closet. I looked over the dresses Nora bought me. Even though I refused the dresses she still had Emilio put them in here. I didn't want them spending their money on me.

My eyes land on a red dress. I put it on. It hugged my curves and reached the floor. I put on some black heels. I didn't put any makeup on since I never wear it anyways.

I walked out of my room the same time as Emilio walked out of his. He wore a black suit. I liked it when he wore suits. It made him look professional andsexy.

"You look stunning, Alisha," He says grabbing my hand. We walk down to his car. Emilio opened my door.

"You look handsome" I mutter sitting in the car. Emilio shut my door before walking to the driver's side. He got in and started driving. Emilio held my hand the entire time he was driving. Emilio pulled up to a fancy restaurant. We walked in and were greeted.

"Good evening do you have a reservation?" the guy asked, looking up as his eyes widened when he us.

"Boss, I'm sorry right this way" The guy says, showing us our table.

"You own this place?" I ask sitting down in the chair Emilio pulled out for me. He sat in his own seat looking up at me.

"Yeah I own a lot of places" He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

"How many?" I ask while scanning the menu.

"More than 50," He says, causing me to look up.

"No wonder you have money" I mumble. Emilio let out a laugh.

"Yeah money you refuse to spend" Emilio mumbled but I heard him.

"Emilio I appreciate you trying to buy things for me but it feels wrong using your money" I say. I hear a gasp. I look over and see a guy proposing to his girlfriend.

"You don't need to repay me, Alisha. I get to spend my money on whatever I want to and I just so happen to want to buy you things" He says. The waiter comes over and we order. We both got steak and a small salad. We also ordered a glass of red wine.

"Why does it matter if I buy things for you anyway? It's just a free gift" he asked, placing his hands on the table.

"It's free for me but you choose to spend your money you work for on me" I grumbled.

"You want to know why I spend money on you?" He asked, grabbing my hand. I look at him nodding my head.

"I love you Alisha. It makes me feel good to be able to offer you the things you couldn't get before. You girls deserve the world. I will continue to get you girls nice things to make you happy" he says. Emilio loves me. He actually loves me. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I mean I also love Emilio but I don't think I'm ready to tell him. I just came to the clusion on me being in love with him a few days ago. I still needed time to process it. Now Emilio is saying he loves me. The last person I loved beat me for years. I know Emilio won't ever hurt me but there was a time where I thought my ex wouldn't either. When I finally know what to say I respond.

"Emilio I am happy. You helped me out of a tough situation. You showed me kindness and let me and the girls live in your house for free. You don't need to buy me stuff to make me happy. You make me happy Emilio not your gifts just you" I smile at him. Emilio leans across the table and connects our lips. He pulls away when the waiter comes over with our food and drink.

Emilio and I eat and talk. We were probably the loudest people there. We were laughing and talking loudly. If Emilio wasn't the owner I'm pretty sure we would have been kicked out. After we ate Emilio paid and we left. I enjoyed the night with Emilio. I haven't been on a date for years and it felt refreshing.

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